
What do you think of the Pickens Plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil?

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His plan is to replace the 20% of electricity currently generated with natural gas with electricity generated by wind power, Then use the natural gas saved to fuel cars and trucks with compressed natural gas.




  1. It would be great if this were true. Time will show us the truth. Peace!

  2. Excellent Idea!  He is also behind wind turbines as a means of electrical generation.  And the best part of his plan is that it is in the control of private business instead of the govt.  

  3. I think this the only rational plan floating in the public discussion.   It is not the "silver bullet" solution.  Rather it is a plan to reduce oil demand.  The total package would include a nuclear power plant build out.  He is 80 years old but a recent brain MRI puts his brain health at that of a 55 year old.  He does not need the money so he is credible and knows what he is doing.  What T. Boone is doing is attacking both the mobile fuel (autos) and the dwelling issues.   Any plan can be criticized but this is one plan with a lot of common sense coming from a guy with 60 years around the energy game.   I look forward to reading the entire plan if the politicians do not kill it before it gets off the ground.   To offer their own plan to make us, peasants, grateful to the wise leaders of Washington, D.C.

  4. Well, lets look at this.......Pickens made Billions in oil.

    he knows were changing gears on energy sources, so mr. humanatarian is INVESTING ( wink wink ) $58 million on alternative sources in which he just happens too have access too.

    Bottom line, who ever controls these wind machines, is going to demand fair market prices for the energy, in the end, its going to belong to a crooked government agency and the regulators of it.

    there is never going to be " A Solution ".

  5. I hope it works out.

  6. He has made investments in this area, great way to expand his wealth in the process.  I'M not knocking it, his is based on possibilities, unlike Al Gores plan to go carbon free in 10 years.

  7. The main goal of Picken's Plan is to fatten Picken's wallet with government subsidies either directly or indirectly. Reliable wind power can be generated only in a few geographic areas, which puts an upper limit on its usability. Also, his "20%" number does not account for the future growth of electrical power demand.

  8. Another great idea on paper but not practical. Texas already has wind power in some areas, when the wind stopped blowing, they had to revert back to the old reliable. Also, keep in mind that they can only be erected in isolated areas: No parks or recreation areas, eco-friendly areas, nor up-scale neighborhoods (the wealthy refuse to have them s******g up their views).

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