
What do you think of the Polish people in the UK?

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What do you think of the Polish people in the UK?




  1. The men go around in pairs and the women alone, for some reason. You only know if she's Polish when you hear the old zchichisheristonzahveahdeh when she's on her mobile.

    No idea why small shops now make a point of stocking Polish Food., as no-one advertises as having Hungarian Food, for example. It must be really distinctive.

    Polish Construction workers have undercut the Paddies.

  2. Well, they're are keeping our economy stable... but since theres been european immigration limitation, the UK economy has taken a huge blow.. first the house prices...

  3. they do the work british people won't do.

  4. well...i have nothing against polish people in general..however,i have heard that they are taking jobs here at a really low wage, so employers would rather employ them as they will work for less than a british person. surely that is not right? unemployment is already high without this adding to the problem. my stepdad was working in a factory with polish people, and they laid him off and kept the poles on. he said it was because they would work for less.

  5. So long as they are working hard and paying taxes then fine, especially when they are doing jobs that British people won't do, such as fruit picking.

  6. idiotic nobs that should go back to poland

  7. Well everyone uses the saying that they do the jobs that British people won't do, so who picked all this fruit before we had millions of Poles? are we just hopeless as a nation when it comes to picking fruit. I am a recent degree graduate and I know that me and many other graduates find it hard even finding these so called jobs that 'we wont do'.

  8. Probably a good thing!!

  9. I never heard anything negative about Polish people in area I live; there is a guy in office who's from Poland - though our sense of humour baffles him somewhat, I know he tries hard to integrate himself.

    It's not the first time UK experienced surge of one ethnic group coming into the country, and I feel there are less prejudice against them than it did for other ethnic groups, but that may have something to do with Poles being Caucasian - I know racism is bad, but lets face it, it happens all the time and me being ethnically oriental, I still experience racism from time to time.

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