
What do you think of the Polygamist people and what happened to them?

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im just shocked!....




  1. The woman getting hit by the media while the men are hiding and the children are suffering.  It's all so bizarre.

  2. The mothers and children are being supported by welfare and food stamps, so that these old men can molest their kids.  The mothers and fathers should both be thrown in jail.  The mothers didn't show up for DNA testing and neither did the fathers, they just left, and left their children with the state authorities.  They are the dregs of society, hiding behind a church. When it's all said and done, call them what they really are, child abusers.  Mothers included, and being kept by the taxpayers.  I for one and tired of it.  As any taxpayer should be.

  3. You cannot let men in their 50s have s*x with girls who are 13 or 14-years-old and not expect law enforcement to intercede.  They basically got what was coming to them.

    I also think some people do not understand that the marrying of very young girls to older men is widespread in the FLDS sect.  This has been going on for years and their leader, Warren Jeffs, has been convicted of criminal charges for doing this in the near past.

    I think you also have to realize that the moms are supporting this practice by staying in the FLDS sect.  For this reason, I do not support the children going back to their mothers because I think the mothers would happily continue this practice, regardless of how many criminal convictions occur.

    Edit:  The FLDS has a media strategist and those women are talking to the media on their own volition.

    We're also not just talking about polygamy here, we're talking about 50-year-olds getting "new" young teen wives on a regular basis; there's a huge difference.  Teen boys are frequently abandoned by the FLDS in order to give the young teen girls to older men and not the younger men.

  4. i think they deserved going to jail...

    nobody should treat kids like that

  5. i tihnk the kids who WERE NOT ABUSED SHOULD BE WITH THERE PARENTS.  its just wrong to separate a mother from a child.

    as for the ones who were abused..i think it is sick and those should be dealt on a case by case basis.


  6. there are all kinds of cults.  there are more out there

    i think that all of them should be shut down

    even in Catholic church people honor / worship the Pope.  He is just a man like you and me and in no way should he get all that honor and worship.  its terrible.  i feel the Catholic Church is just as much as a cult as the Polygamist people

    Jesus should be the only one that recieves honor and the Pope gets much more honor then Jesus.  its crazy

  7. Getting 13 year olds pregnant by older (some in over 40) men? What do I think of it? I think they call those men pedophiles. I think it's called statutory rape! They crossed the line, child abuse should NEVER be tolerated. Sad as it was, the govt. did what it had to do, and what it should've done!

    Edit: For those of you who think that the kids who haven't been abused should be returned. What in the world makes you think that once these girls become of age (in this cult, of age means as soon as they start their periods) they won't be abused then. Most of the younger boys are shunned unwillingly from the community when they become of age so the older men can rape the young girls!  It's true, that's the way the cult works. I mean, they'll use who they have. Return the younger one's to be abused in the future? Think again please!

    Edit Again:  MissAshleigh4U: Beliefs can be respected, child abuse can not. People shouldn't be allowed to hide the abuse behind their religion, how could you even think that it is OK. And don't tell me those older men don't know what they are doing, they know quite well, hiding their pedophile behavior behind their religion, shame on them all! It is NOT OK.

  8. I think that its terrible what they did to those kids. However, lets not confuse the term 'polygamist' with 'pedaphile', I believe that three people should have the right to marry.

  9. Here is the bottom line, you cannot break the law in the land which you abide in. These people are not above the law of the land. (If they are I want to join too so that I can claim my religion says I can drive 60 in a 30mph zone...I mean where does it stop?)

    One thing is that they don't teach their kids to value the outside world. They teach them to fear it. So we have these organizations throughout Arizona, Utah and Colorado (to name a few) where they are raising up children from birth to believe the limited information they are told.

    Now in Joseph Smith times, it was different. Many of the women had lost their husbands in the Civil War, they needed support to live. There were various circumstances but none included indoctrination of young girls raised in a sheltered environment where everyone they knew was a participant in polygamy. I mean there were truly choices and options. Many polygamist women were old and didn't have sexual relations with their "husband". They only received financial care they needed.

    The FLDS must be ungodly and wrong because they have to be secretive to preserve the minds of girls and boys in order to give them no other options. Therefore they choose what they know.

    Furthermore, they read the Book Of Mormon and practice many LDS practices. BUT the LDS HAS a prophet, that is President Monson, NOT Warren Jeffs! The LDS prophet now and during the time that Mormons discontinued polygamy and excommunicated those who began the practice.

    So this shows that they are going on their own accord and creating their own laws and religion.

    I want to create my own religion too, let's call it, I can break the laws I choose, when and how I's the Choose-My-Law-atarian. Wanna join?

    Lastly, if they want to continue to be Polygamists, that is their free choice, freedom of religion, BUT they must not marry (spiritually or otherwise) children under the age of legal consent, 18.

    I hope that this situation is handled with care. There are more victims here than just young women. I hope that polygamy is prosecuted and dissolved not just here but all of the known participants.

    I do think that most of the people involved are truly ignorant. They didn't know and they don't know many things of the world. But that is no excuse to allow them to have their way with their children.

    Let's free these people from this. Let the ones who learn and still choose polygamy do it legally and not in secret but with consenting adults.

  10. I think the men should get life in prison and the women and children get new starts in life.

  11. I think it's truly sad and sick at the same time. It's scary to think of your brother maybe being your father. I feel sorry for the mother's because yes they lost their children but at the same time they allowed their daughters to have s*x with grown men. These girls were 14 years old or something like that and having s*x with grown men in their 30's and 40's. They must had been so scared.

  12. It's really no surprise to me. It has been going on for years. They arent going to keep it from happening. They will just have more kid's. I'm just really sad for those poor kids:((

  13. They are still around some Mormon communities are Polygamist communities... I have seen some stories about former Mormon women and the way the men treat them is disgusting... Plus the girls can be married to men much older then them as young as 12... Freaking disgusting...

  14. While it may be shocking to all of us, I feel that nobody really has a place to judge them.  Every religion has practices that seem wacky to other religions.  The practice of young women marrying old men has been happening pretty much since the dawn of time.  Its just hard for us to understand because this isnt a practice that is very common anymore.  In the coming months they will experience customs that we think are normal but will appear crazy to them.

    [edit] bps: To US it is pedophilia, to them it is not.  It is a religious belief.  Are we to assume Joseph (as in the father of Jesus) was also a pedophile when he married a much younger Mary?  Were about 90% of past monarchs pedophiles?  How about pretty much every man pre-1800?  Culture changes.  It is currently not alright in our culture to marry or have children with a minor if you are not.  However, when a religious group has been following this policy for hundreds of years they are most likely not going to change their beliefs.  I am not saying it is right I'm just saying people should be a little less closed minded.

  15. Its wierd to me... Have you heard the women talk? They sound like robots. Very quiet and monotone and someone is CLEARLY keeping them from speaking about anything but wanting their kids back. I feel bad for them and those kids. As wierd as it is to me, its sad that they are coming into the 'real world' so abruptly, its going to psychologically damage them, I'm sure. All we can really do is just pray for their safety.

  16. I don't like it!!!! - 1 abuse case reported and every family's children are taken away. Should they be allowed to take your kids away if something happend to a family in your church? I guess you wouldn't have a choice.

  17. i used to work in a buffet rest. and a family of like 40 would come every sunday and alot of the women(or girls, you could say) were preg. and used to think they were weird but what i could say is the very young kids(3-10yrs.) were very, very polite and well behaved. maybe they treated them bad if they missbehaved like regular kids thier age. they are strange is all i can say and i don't know why anyone would want to live like that. :\

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