
What do you think of the Pope supporting the removal of this sculpture?

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  1. If it is not meant to be blasphemous then no harm

    Crucifixion was just another way to put people to death -so Jesus was not the only one although for Christians the cross is symbolic!

    Not really sure on this one maybe if the sculpture was in another country without a heavily Catholic population it may not have been given the same press!

    I personally don't think much of that type of art anyway and maybe the artist has done this deliberately to draw attention to themselves!

  2. As a non believer I think its friggin hilarious :) leave it be.

  3. That is hilarious. Even funnier the guy going on hunger strike.Wow there are some crazy people. It is still there you ought to read the article properly.

  4. I can understand the museum keeping it, but I can also understand the Pope's protest. It's the best of free speech. You can say whatever tacky and nasty thing you want (through art or otherwise), but that doesn't mean those insulted by the "art" can't make a formal protest against it. Freedom of speech works both ways.

  5. Try pulling that one on the Muslims and see what happens..

    It is making fun of Christ and all of Christianity and should be removed..

  6. seems fair enough to me  

  7. As I hate all cruelty to animals, I agree.  Frogs should not be crucified, and this kind of thing could only lead to copycat crucifixions.  Save the Frog - ban the statue.

    Oh yes, and I can see why it would be blasphemous, too.  Especially in a Catholic country.

  8. I agree with the removal, this is sacrilege and whether you believe in God or you dont this is a blatant nose thumbing attempt to belittle religion.

    I dont agree with religious people ramming their belief down non believers throats but I dont believe in non believers being so crass about people that do have faith either.

    Accept the fact that some people do have faith and that this could be upsetting for them.

    A little human kindness is sadly missing in this world today.

  9. OMG This is so offensive!

    Being degrading to ones belief is not art.

    I'm glad the Pope got involved.  

  10. I'll never understand religion and what it deems inappropriate. It's not exactly making some grand, bold statement. It's a bloody frog sculpture...!

  11. who cares what the Papacy thinks? They condemn pretty much everything.

  12. Never mind words like blasphemous & sacrilegious...ridiculing anyone else's beliefs speaks of poor taste. You don't have to share someone's faith in order to show a little respect. It doesn't cost much & makes for a much more civilised & kinder society.

  13. Hahahahaha. It's a frog being crucified. What's wrong with that? It's funny.

  14. If the Pope etc wanted this piece of "art" to get tons of exposure and be seen by countless people who would never even have heard of it, they are going about it the right way. The best thing to do would be to utterly ignore such things, because attention and controversy and publicity is what the artist was trying to acheive with this work. I agree that it's offencive to many people, but that price we pay to live in a free society.

    So I agree with the Pope's sensibilities, but think he is foolish (at best) to deal with it by trying to get it removed.  

  15. Not much.

    I would much prefer the Pope supporting the removal of n**i stolen treasure from the Vatican vaults!

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