
What do you think of the Republican corruption in this country ?

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0 LIKES UnLike Is this the Change we need lol ?




  1. Huffington if anyone could be more anti American its Huffington.

  2. Yea I knew it, this is all Bush corruption since the movement he stole the votes in Florida back in 2000. Why can people see that. Too late now they leaving a mess to clean up

  3. ALL political corruption is DISGUSTING !!!  The past few years have seen a lot of it in the Republithug ranks, but there is some on the Democratic side too, and I'd like to see all of the corrupt officials retired from service. Unfortunately we don't have a free press anymore, just the corporate owned main stream media that reports whatever the owners want reported. FAUX News is the best example of that with Charlie Gibson and ABC close behind.

  4. American corruption is divided in two teams: Republicans ( the big corrupts ) and Democrats ( not as corrupts as their partners )

  5. There is enough corruption to go around, but I can't bring myself to read anything from the Huffington Post.  Sorry, that rag is despicable.

  6. Almost as bad as the 60 plus years of Democratic Corruption but not quite.

  7. That it's about as bad as the Democrat corruption....

  8. Lets face it. There is corruption on both sides of the isle democrat and republican alike.

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