
What do you think of the Spanish athletes striking a "slanty-eye" pose in team photos?

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First it was Spain's men's basketball team.

Now a second photo has surfaced -- this one with members of Spain's tennis federation striking the "slanty eye" pose.

What say you?





  1. Well, in some way i dont think is bad. They are just describing the people and its country. Is just like taking a picture running with a bull. from Spain traditional "bull running"

  2. Disgusting and rude. I'm surprised that no one even thought that this was offending.  

  3. It's an absolute disgrace....Every now and then you see someone do something stupid....But a whole group of grown men?  Just pathetic..

  4. Wow! They must be a bunch of racists! ****the racist Spaniards!

  5. Incredibly naive at the least ... and horribly irresponsible at the worst ... I do not understand what the advertising point was? Why would you make your life miserable when you go to compete in a foreign land?  Just shows you how clueless the Spaniards are ... They have had a history of doing such nonsensical things.

  6. I think Spain has some serious racist issues.

  7. I think it's immature and childish of Spain.

  8. hahahahaha lol

  9. I don't understand how it can NOT be seen as racist. It's as bad as using the 'N' word, it's derogatory of a physical/racial characteristic.

    Agree the U.S. would have been slammed if it were them.

  10. spain is just clueless. i've read that they also mock black athletes with monkey gestures. im not easily offended and this stuff doesn't offend me but d**n they are dumb. does the whole country suck? i was willing to give the basketball team a pass thinking it was merely an isolated incident. now this? this has tainted my view of the whole country. i think they all suck now.

  11. not necessary

  12. i think its disrepectfull as h**l... but none the less made ma laugh lol

  13. I think it's really immature, stupid, and unprofessional of these athletes.

    Edit**Haha Lola true dat

  14. It's just bad form. I'm an Irish American and when people rag on the Irish for being drunks I really don't care. I like to consider myself an equal opportunity offender. I take jokes and I dish them out as well. PC bull*h*t needs to go away.

  15. I think it was extremely insulting, entirely insensitive, and of absolute poor taste.   And it amazes me how they can do that, and yet feel so incredulous about peoples reactions to it.

    I seriously feel that in the spirit of the Olympics, that they should either apologize, or drop out of competition.

  16. I think everyone should lighten up and stop trying so hard to be PC.

    A lot of people do this and nobody ever calls them racist for it.I'm sure if your friend did it you wouldn't go on some rant about  how racist he is.

  17. Spain got a slap on the hand -.- If was the U.S. all h**l will break loose.

  18. I agree with what jason kidd said. If the US team would have done it, it would be a huge deal and the NBA players would have faced penalties. I read some article where the author argued, "what if carmelo anthony had done this". you get my point. Ps. your a good looker.

  19. its all spanish teams and its extremly offensive to me

    racits b******s

    spaniards think white man can get away wit w.e the *** they want not gonna happen crackers  

  20. Nothing really, just a stupid bunch of disrespectful and immature men.  

  21. That was wrong, they shouldn't be allowed to compete

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