
What do you think of the Twilight Series? ?

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My username makes my opinion obvious.

What do you think of the author's writing and would you count this as literature?




  1. I love the Twilight Series! They are the best books I've ever read!!!!!

  2. Yes. i own every book of it. it is very good. best books i have read. i think its better than harry potter

  3. I only read the first book to be honest. It wasn't terrible, but I have a lot of friends who are over-the-moon infatuated with these books and I honestly don't get the hype. In my opinion, Edward had a hero complex and Bella was too self-absorbed. It's been over a year since I read it, but I remember it was "I was wearing this..." and she goes on to describe her clothing ad nauseam. Also, she's completely dependent upon Edward, and from what I can gather this continues throughout the series. Like, she's afraid to breathe if he's not in the room.

    I bought New Moon & was planning on rereading Twilight & reading the series, but now I'm thinking I may not even bother. Especially considering the backlash over Breaking Dawn. Do you have the over obsessive friends or is it the general consensus among you and your friends that the books suck?

  4. I really like them. But you know it was written FOR teenage girls. so maybe thats why you don't like them. But it is just an opinion. Like all books, some like it some don't. Its just has to do with what ind of books you like. And what appeals to you.

  5. I really like it, I can respect that you don't but the reason I do is because it has a great love story and the author really shows you the workings of Bella's mind and has such detailed characters, I would count it as literature but not just because a lot of people love it, I think it is because for the most part the author has a unique and effective writing style.

  6. I love Twilight.  I think she is a pretty good writer-she makes the characters come to life and draws the reader in.  I would not say that it is worthy of being canonized literature, but it is entertaining anyway.

  7. Absolutely not literature.

    First of all, it's poorly written. Meyer's writing is blunt at best, with no poetic or literary value whatsoever. She knows how to write sentences, like the rest of us on yahoo answers. That doesn't make her a writer.

    The woman's protagonist, Bella whatever, sets the feminist movement back by at least 100 years. She's a helpless, stupid, pointless creature.

    Meyer destroyed the meaning of the word vampire. It's not that I'm against creative interpretations of the legend, because I'm definitely not, but she didn't. She created an utterly new creature, something that doesn't need blood or and sparkles or something stupid, and gave it the name 'vampire' so kids could relate to it and probably because she couldn't think of anything better. Later in an interview she tried to call it an incubus, which made me literally L-O-L. Does she even know what the h**l she's talking about?

    And, she's an obnoxious person. She throws temper tantrums when things don't go her way and can't respond to criticism to better herself as an author. She won't accept criticism, period, and just lives in her own little fantasy of what she probably wishes happened to her. Bella is such a Mary-Sue.

    Her 'love shield' or whatever the h**l that was in the new book pissed me off, as well. Stephanie Meyer, Lily Potter called. She wants her powers back.

    edit: i'm happy angry little girls read my opinion, anyway. thanks for the thumbs down. <333

  8. i read them but i dont LOVEEE them and i really dont see how all these girls can have a crush on edward when hes not even real.... but whatever. and the character bella is really annoying to me idk why but she is. but breaking dawn is pretty good  i guess  

  9. They're entertaining, but the hype is ridiculous.  It was a fun book to read & I liked Meyer's style of writing because it was very unique, but in no way did the series deserve all this fame & glory.  It was just another book that you pick up one day, read it, enjoy it, put back down, then go on to another.  It scares me how famous the book is getting.


    By the way, I think it's pathetic that everyone (including the asker, I assume) is giving thumbs-ups or thumbs-downs based on whether they agree with the answer or not, instead of the quality of the answer.  That's pretty immature.

  10. It's an awesome book.

    I read the entire thing.



    they are really addicting!!

  12. I love it! I've read all 4 books and I'm so excited for the movie to come out! I can't wait!

  13. I love it. Try reading it if you haven't. I'm depressed since i havent read breaking dawn yet

  14. This should be in the Books & Authors section.

    I personally like the books. I don't think that they're the best books ever, but they are very popular so obviously Stephenie Meyer is doing something right.

  15. I agree. I read the first three books, and jeez, I thought I was the only one who hated them. I realize its not REAL, but I find it to be ridiculous.

    First off, the characters, are just flat out stupid. Bella is a moron, and Edward is made up to be this God-Like creature. But personally, I find their relationship a bit creepy, he is oddly controlling over her and they are both obsessed with each other to an unhealthy degree. I suppose most 14yr-old (or teenage girls in general) find this romantic, but I do not.

    Secondly, I didn't like how she altered the whole vampires classiness. If that makes sense. Like, how she made it so they were these gorgeous creatures who were super-fast and super-strong and could go out in daylight (which only makes them look more beautiful but it brings attention to them) , and wouldn't burst into flames, and could control their need to suck blood. I mean, that is HARDLY even a vampire! She changed it completely, to fit some perfect role. I mean, why make them vampires at all, then? I understand, from film to film, book to book, and story to story.. vampires vary a little. But, yeah. Too much.

    Unfortunately, it would be considered Young-Adult (Fiction)Literature. I don't think it should Not be counted as Literature, just because I don't like it though. It is a book, the writing isn't terrible. I just don't like the story-line itself. Though, I can see how girls could get caught up in it.

    If you want vampires, you should read the Ann-Rice series.  

    Anyways, thats my opinion of the Twilight Series.

    (edit..) but i think i should add, i do also believe that people should read whatever floats your boat, so.. yeah.. happy hunting.

  16. ive read the series. its ok. im not a crazy fan. i know there are better books, and i have read them. twilight is NOT the best book ever. i see it as an easy read... after reading books like "sold" (its a book about a nepali girl who got sold into prostitution in india) and "the lovely bones" (a book where a girl is brutally raped and murdered and she watches her family/friends grow up from heaven), i need something that isnt so emotionally draining. lol

    wow... i read some sad books...

  17. I've never read the Twilight Series, it sounds like a cheap knock off of Harry Potter.

    A book about falling in love with vampires...and girls find this romantic?

  18. its horribly written but I love the story

  19. I think she is an excellent author.Stephenie Meyer describes everything so well that i feel like I`m actually the one going through what the character is going through.She makes me feel the emotion that the character is feeling.It`s silly but i usually find myself doing what she writes.For example, if she said that Bella sighed then i sigh.If she wrote that Bella narrowed her eyes i do the same.I don't know why but i guess it just means that she is that good of a writer and has control of my emotions through a book.I feel as if I`m Bella when i read it.And what girl doesn`t want to be the person that a s**y/mysterious vampire falls in love with?

  20. There the best thing in the world.

    Ive read all of them 8 million times already (not joking)

    If you're thinking sbout reading them, definatly do it

    I <3333333333333333333333333333333 Twilight saga!!!

  21. I like the Twilight series, I have read all the books myself.

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