Actually Do you think these 6 USA government policies are best for american citizens?
The way illegal immigration has been handled
The deregulation of the financial markets so that they can be free to do whatever they want and then needing a bail out etc..
Encouraging our corporations to go manufacture their goods overseas and then ship those goods back home here in USA for americans to buy.
Ignoring alternate power and maintaing the fixation on oil, for example as the way to power our automobiles. Not even really trying to say know what...lets find a better way.
Running budget deficits and borrowing the money from other countries such as china.
If we need a certain type of worker, in the USA, we give HB1 visas to people in other countries to come here and do the work, rather than helping our children go to school to learn those specific skills.
As we project out and look at all these policies and others like them, is this a generally positive trend for the citizens/workers of the United States? Who benefits from this trend and who loses out?