
What do you think of the United Kingdom's Railway system?

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I mean how many of us there have had to wait for several minutes even though your train was meant to arrive 11.32 according to national rail, and it only came at 11.54? Also what do you think might be a solution.




  1. yuor train was 12 minutes late and you're making a tsimis on yahoo answers!!!???  get a life.  in fact, get a better job and take a cab.  or go to some country that's not so damned expensive.  london is one of the most expensive cities on the globe, right next to san francisco and tokyo.  move to inglewood.  jeez you people get me so mad.  im just sayin

  2. Its great  dont think about time,  your wasteing your time by doing it,  Get a life, theres more to life them timing trains

  3. I have been on the rails in your land and I find that they tromp the h**l out of anything we have in the US.The railway system in this country is a poor system...we love our cars way too much to think we could do w/o them less.If we had national rail service that actually went to where we wished to go,well we could deny the oil companies a boatload of exhorbidant profit.I certainly would use the trains.

    The rail services in Europe are the best,that I must concede, and Japan's is very good as well.It is the only aspect of Europe that I admire and even envy.

  4. The fares are more expensive than anywhere else in Europe and the trains are often late or do not run at all.

    Pardon me mariaa6, but 'timing trains' is important because a late or cancelled train can mean a missed connection and/or appointment. If the the timetable says such a train is due at such-and-such-a-time you have a right to expect it to be punctual and the right to complain if it isn't. I travel regularly by train and a journey which should not take more than 2 hours at the outside can take up to 5 hours due to inefficiency in the system. And who wants to spend hours hanging about on cold, wet platforms?

    Poor service like this doesn't encourage people to use the train unless, like me they have no car so don't have a choice.

    The train service used to be better on the whole and the fares cheaper, say 30 years ago. This is not pie-eyed nostalgia - it's true. Inter-city trains may be faster than they were, but something is seriously wrong when it costs twice as much by rail, from London to Edinburgh, as it does to fly.

    Local services are often neglected with infrequent trains, poor timekeeping and rolling stock that is neither comfortable nor attractive to travel in.

    The UK's railways used to be the pride of the country and the envy of the rest of the world. They could be once more but need more care and investment which at the moment is sadly lacking.

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