
What do you think of the United Nations or European Union?

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Do you think it fulfils the purpose it was originally set up for or it is just a waste of time?.

Just looking for your thoughts and views, thank you for your replies.




  1. WASTE OF TIME ON A BIBLICAL SCALE. both are useless

    the UN is useless in the extreme. they are basically a toothless debate club of do gooder's, who rarely accomplish anything. the peace keepers are basically blue helmeted targets.

    the EUski/ EUseless is now and always has been a secret government with no regard for the people , they crave only power and money. if you research there style of government and doctrine you wull see they are now and always have been hard line communists. they are now as dangerous as the old USSR.

    this is why i no longer live in the EUski. i believe in freedom and the EUski is no free. the EU was founded by so called  former n**i's and communists and there are former communist's.

    angela merkel is a so called "FORMER" Communist, i have news for you she still is And so are most of Brussels EUski government politicians

    those are my thoughts, they are backed up by public infor and EU written laws

  2. No... wars solve problems... UN and EU are a waste of money... we should all just gang up on some crappy little country in asia and bomb the c**p out of em... that builds comeradery

  3. Well, as far as the UN goes, most questions here more than clear our doubts - it is USELESS when it comes to securing peace - the most basic requirement of any purposeful human endeavor. Anyways, it was prophesied to be useless since it's very conception.

    As for the European Union, it IS the future superpower. We are asleep, while this giant, this final resurrection of the last Holy Roman Empire, is sharpening it's claws. Please keep an open mind everybody and read this article (there are dozens on the EU but I find this very interesting and informative) :

    Now, compare what is happening in our world right now with the prophecies in your Holy Bible.

    As for the UN, here is an example (again everybody, please keep an open mind and read the article):

    Enough said.

    God Bless.

  4. Well,I am living in this European Union! This is a network of most dangerous thieves of our ERA! They call themselves Democratic and talk about freedom! There is nothing else but just slavery and filling their own pockets with poor citizens hard earned money! if you ever get a chance to scan each minister's bank account then you will see what all stinks there in their lockers!

    The whole European union try to make it's own laws and safe guard their bureaucracy. The laws are made just to find ways to fill their pockets more! I wish that the common people who are still in their deep sleep awake and do something before it is too late! See for example the Dutch royal family! If they are royal then why don't they become loyal to their citizens?

    If one sees through a magnifying glass, then one will recognize that these are the members of the " Bilderberg group"

    This European union Government has it's own poisonous agents in the United Nations!These are the most corrupt people in their inner circles that protect the octopus inside! they are the tentacles of the Octopus!

    This European Union and United nations will join into one big group called the "United nations of Europe"!

    There is so much of bureaucracy, Discrimination inside that the poor innocent are all crying out but there is no one to hear theie cries!

    This European Union is trying to annex more and more poor European states so that they can rob more innocent farmers, peasents and hard working people! They try to keep their people stupid with their one world theory!

    So beware my fello Americans and poor innocent people of other European Nations that have not yet joined the European Union! Please don't join this community of thieves because you people and your future kids will be slaves for generations to come! So think about your poor kids and also warn others!

    I have a long true story to tell you what all is happening to me! all my salary is being robbed, and I live worst from hand to mouth! I am just waiting to escape out of this spider's web! if someone could help me and bring in more people to join in , we will slowly become strong and defeat this dragon of destruction!

    I wish that China, Russia and the Arab countries really awake and stop the flow of oil and money flowing into this so called European Union before it becomes too late!.........Alan.

  5. The EU is Germany's way of getting its' own back,for the loss of 2 World Wars.It is a corrupt,inept,futile attempt at uniting Europe!  

  6. united nations seems very inadequate. the EU is just totally useless

  7. There is no comparison between UN and EU.The objective of UN is ensuring world peace.It is a political organisation.It covers most of the countries in the world.EU is an economic organisatin to protect the economic interests of certain European Countries only.EU members are few.These orgainsations are served their puropses to certain extent.If there was no UN there would have beeen more wars.It has also served as a development agency.Regarding EU,it had prevented collapse of European economy,Euro has become a viable alternative to US $.

  8. Waste of time and money. We should pull out and close shop. A new organization should see the day with no country having a veto and all countries involved policing  problems when they start not once a million people are dead.

  9. The UN is a much maligned organisation which is unable to do much on the grand scale of stopping wars and forcing nations to account, but does a whole world of good in terms of international aid, medical care, mediation, and peacekeeping.

    The EU is a much maligned organisation where undereducated people assume that its supranational decisionmaking is all-pervading, when in fact it is abundantly clear the intergovernmental sections are dominant.  The EU is the European way of preserving the threatened nation state, which would otherwise be overexposed to globalisation.

  10. The EU as it stands now is far different from the ideals of the Schumann Plan of the 1950s which was a group of nations united in trade only!

    What has happened now is a group of politicians have got their heads together and formed a union which would do credit to a Student Union !

    Yes!I will agree that it has formed a trading and political block to rival the USA!But!At what cost!

    Countries have lost their sovereignty in both law and political areas and now we are subservient to a bunch of bureaucrats.

    I  believe that the EU is now too powerful!

  11. I`ve got to agree with bruce m.

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