
What do you think of the accusations of Gonzalez cheating against Blake?

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Blake hit a tube shot and it ricocheted off Gonzalez's racket before going out (it didn't go over the net when Gonzalez hit it). Blake feels he should have got the point but the umpire gave the point to Gonzalez cause he didn't see it hit off the racket. It seemed like the turning point of the match cause Blake didn't win another game after that :-s. Replays showed that it did hit off Gonzalez's racket but in the press conference after, Gonzalez said he wasn't sure if it had so he didn't say anything during the match. Do you think he cheated or that he actually didn't know whether or not it hit his racket :)?

Totally off subject but I'm sooooooooooo excited that Rafa won his match :) :) :) !!

Vamos Rafa !!




  1. To pple who say why do you assume Blake is telling the truth... cos it was a nothing point at 0-0, so why would he make a big song and dance about it if he wasn't? He said he'd has texts from people at home all seeing it saying it flew off the raquet, and he said in his interview he defys gonzy and the media to look back at those videos and tell him hes wrong. Read his interview- Blake is the nicest guy in the sport and hes absolutly gone off his rocker. He accused Gonzy of bad sportsmanship and said he would never ever so that in a game. Its really quite a good read. Gonzalez went defending himself but admitted he wasn't 100% sure. He also admitted Blake was a gentleman. I've really gone off Gonzy now- there eppears to be no love lost between these two. Theres also a discussion over the overhead smash that Gonzy smashed at Blake. Blake was pretty pissed off about that too. Yeah, read the interview I think Blake manages to speak for himself quite nicely.  

  2. Grand Slam you obviously have some issues. You seem to have a problem with the United States. Because it clearly should have been Blake's point, regardless of who you are rooting for.

    Gonzalez had to have known that it hit his racket because how could he not feel it. Plus everyone saw it. It was a real disgrace that someone would lie like that. He won but my respect level for him plummeted. I hope Rafa beats him.

    GO NADAL!!!!

  3. 'We' can't say for certain whether he felt it or not, only Gonzo can. And although I find it a bit hard to believe, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt when he says he didn't feel it.

    I was actually more pissed with Blake's hissie fit. Now I understand he's upset, he has all right to be; but first of all it was 1 point. Second, it's hypocritical to preach about sportsmanship and glorify yourself while attacking a fellow player not only regarding the incident, but also question his overall ethics and call him a gamesman. Great job showing u what it means to be a 'sportsman'

    lol I'm glad Rafa won because it means one more medal for Spain. But Novak is my favorite and I feel bad that he was so upset. Between losing to Murray and losing today, his morale must be crushed. Oh well, I'll feel better when Nadal brings home the gold :D

  4. Well i think you can safely call Gonzo a cheat but if Blake was a good player he should of forgotten about that and moved on and try to win the match rather than fighting a loss cause.

    Well what Gonzo has done is bad sportmanship and IT IS cheating. All we can hope for is Rafa 2 give him a Double Bagel!

  5. As Gonzalez said, he wasnt sure if the ball hit his racket.  He should have conceded the point to Blake to remove all doubts.  Thats what a gentleman would do.

  6. he so cheated!!!

    poor james :(

    i don't think gonzo said the truth, but what was he going to say? the truth and then get slammed? not likely.-

    still, rafa is gonna kick his ***.-

    go james for the bronze!!!

    check out this photo, blake's face says it all, he wants to kill gonzalez with that look:

  7. Blake is a sore loser. VIVA CHILE!

    Super happy Rafa won XD

  8. It looks like he hit it, but we'll never know if Gonzalez felt it or not, I'm not a Gonzalez fan, but i'm wondering why everyone is quick to assume Blake is telling the truth especially after he just lost, he might be lying or it might be the truth, but we'll never know. Oh well Gonzalez should be easier for Rafa...:)

  9. I have no doubt in my mind that Gonzalez felt that ball hit his racket. As a tennis player myself I know one point can make a world of difference in a match. For all the people defending Gonzalez out there saying "it is just one point", mentally one point can bring you up or tear you down, yes people just one point. Although Blake didn't win the match I think he handled the situation well and went on to play the match with little opposition. Blake was right to properly and professional tell Gonzalez that he should have given him that point. Considering both are playing at a professional level, Gonzalez should have been a gentlemen and done the right thing. My coach always tells me if there is any reason of doubt in a close call be a gentlemen and give the point to your opponent the benefit of the doubt. I feel Blake did the right addressing Gonzalez, although the press and ignorant people try to make out as if Blake is being bitter and a sore loser. It is a shame a good person like Blake gets derided for speaking the truth. I myself is a fan Gonzalez, but truth be told that was bad sportsmanship of Gonzalez.

  10. To be honest, I think he knew it did but didn't say Anything. And I wouldn't have said anything if it happened to me either lol. Call me a cheater but a point is a point. Besides Rafa will Beat Him YAY!!

  11. It OBVIOUSLY hit his racket as you can see here:

    pfff i'm sorry, but he would have felt that.

  12. It definitely raises questions about Gonzo's integrity as a player, but at the same time one bad call does not make a match.

    Umpires are there to make calls.  If they are wrong, it will effect the point, but it is one point out of many.  Had Blake converted an earlier opportunity to close out the 3rd set, this wouldn't be an issue. Actually, if Blake had capitalized on his opportunities in the second set it would not be an issue either.

    Part of winning in tennis is the mental toughness a player has.  things will not always go your way, bad calls can and will be made.  The toughness comes in letting that point go and moving forward.  I believe Blake lost his edge when he let 3 match points earlier in the same set.  This cheating accusation occured on the first point of a game.  It cost Blake a single point.  

    I'm more concerned about Blake's mental game than Gonzo's cheating.  When the going got tough, Blake did not rise to the occaission, he let it overwhelm him.

    I can't imagine a situation where the ball hitting a racket would not be felt, and can only hope that Gonzo is certain he is telling the truth. But at the end of the day, it is up to the umpire in the chair to make the call.

  13. it is clear he hit the ball  

  14. Anyone who plays tennis knows that when the ball hits any part of the racket, even if it's just a slight touch, you immediate feel the impact.  For Gonzo to not come forward and admit his racket touched the ball, I think that's very unsportsman like.  Consider this is the Olympics and all, it's all about competing fairly.  I can go on and on about the gymnastics judging, but that's a different issue.  So to answer your question, he was definitely cheating.  At least that point anyway, the replay shows the ball bounced off his racket clearly.  I really hope Rafa destroys him in the final.  If Gonzo wins the gold, I think I'm gonna throw up :p

  15. I most definitely 100% think Gonzalez knew he cheated!!! I really do.... What bad sportsmanship, its shocking really poor james blake :( ! I liked Gonzalez up until that point but to cheat someone like that....Jeez Fernando better not pull a stunt like that against Rafa in the final grrrrrr! haha

  16. The ball hit Gonzalez's rackett and he should have owned up to it. I'm all for Rafa winning on Sunday. Vamous Rafa! I also hope Blake gets the bronze as he missed out on the gold match. That lie from Gonzalez could have costed him the game.

  17. just another american sore loser whining because they know china is beating them! next the americans will say the world is too round! im sick of these boofheads jerking off because they lost! im glad rafa beat djokovic, djokovic is an arrogant punk!

  18. as a tennis player myself, i know you feel a hit like that. also, as a competitor i want to win and that's that. the olympics used to be the end all of athletics with the highest integrity and competition, but with all the garbage that has come to light in the past decade or so, it has become nothing more than another tournament. Blake should have kept it to himself and obviously not let it affect the rest of the game, but seriously, Gonzalez is not so much of a cheater as a liar

  19. I watched the match live and it was very hard to tell when it happened but watching replays and photos it did appear to skim off Gonzo's racket. I'll tell you about Blake's reaction; it genuinely seemed that he was right. After the point, he raised his hand to acknowledge that the ball went very close by Gonzo's body. When Blake was walking back to the baseline, the referee announced the score, fifteen-love for Gonzo. Then Blake immediately turned around and had an astonished look and walked up to the umpire's chair to try to dispute the call. He actually assumed it was his point. While he was talking with the umpire, he was probably thinking, "This cannot be happening." Then he pretty much gave up and walked back, still shaking his head.

    I don't blame the umpire because it was near-impossible to tell in real time whether or not it touched Gonzo's racket. It was just bad luck for Blake at a crucial point in the match. Unfortunately, you could tell it got to his head because he did not win a game since that incident. But he shouldn't blame it all on that; he did have three match points early in the third set and he couldn't convert. I hope Blake can win the bronze though; he has been playing very well these Olympics and it would be well-deserved to win a medal.

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