
What do you think of the alltel Moto Q?

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I currently have the Alltel Scoop (ive had problems with it ever since i got it, thankful for the 1 year warranty). And our two year contract is up in september, i am going to re-new my plan for another 2 year contract with alltel. I'm wondering what you think of the Moto Q. Anything I should be aware of?




  1. I don't typically recommend these commercially hyped up phones for a few reasons: 1. They tend to break easily 2. They are taken all too much for granted 3. They include unnecessary bells and whistles.

    You may want to be aware of the complexity of the model, I've tried it and it's rather hard to set calender dates, set the alarm, and even surf the web. Other then that it's a sleek phone and it is packed with a lot of features, so I recommend it for that.

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