
What do you think of the architecture of federation square?

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Melbournians (and anyone who has visited), what did you think of the architecture of Federation Square when it was opened in 2002 and what do you think of it now?




  1. in 2002 i thought what the .... now i'm wondering why the .... with 3 corners having beautiful buildings ,why would you put a modern eye sore on the belongs somewhere else. they could have taken advantage of the views of the yarra a little more into consideration.this corner has always had it's problems , i guess it always will.

  2. In a word... WHAT were they thinking?

    The "architecture" (per se) doesn't offend me as such; just it's location.  Federation Square stands out like a dog's whatsits!  When you look at the three facing façades (namely Flinders Street Station, Young & Jackson's, and St Paul's Cathedral), Federation Square is hideous.  In a different setting, it may not be such an eyesore.  Docklands immediately springs to mind as a suitable location for that style of architecture.

  3. I think the concept and location are great, but I can't believe the sheer ugliness of the architecture, especially given its setting. It's an eyesore!


    It looks like I copied from the answer above, but I hadn't even read it first. When my daughter and I first saw Fed. Square during the Commonwealth Games, we were astonished at how uncomfortably it sat in its surroundings.

  4. What a mess .We had the lovely front of Flinders st station ,across

    from that the lovely church and the great old pub across from that .

    then some twit puts the equivalent of a Stars wars mall on the other side of all this I mean let them spend tax dollars on something else .

    And what about the great metal handkerchief that replaced Spencer st

    station .

  5. I LIKE IT!

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