
What do you think of the baby name Apollo Joseph

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What do you think of the baby name Apollo Joseph




  1. Even though it's a little too common for me, I've always liked the name Joseph. However, with a name like Apollo, I don't think there's another name that could go with it as well as 'Joseph' can. That's a great combination! I also considered the name Apollo for the future - I like it. Great choice! You didn't pair up the first name with something equally as uncommon...that's very good! I wish you luck.

  2. I like Joseph, but I really don't like Apollo, sorry.

  3. Maybe switch the names around? But I do like the names. LOL

  4. cool name. think when he's a kid, the name is easy to say and his friends will remember it. or if he doesn't like it, he can just go by AJ...


    apollo was the coolest greek god too...

  5. I like

  6. I like both Apollo and Joseph; but the combination 'Apollo Joseph' simply doesn't sound good to my ear. I think it's because of the quick repetition of the O sound at the end of Apollo and the beginning of Joseph (i.e. apollO jOspeh). It makes the name sound too sing-songy for my taste. The name looses this sing-songy quality when it is reversed. Joseph Apollo sounds much nicer to my ear. While that O sound is repeated, it's not bad because the sounds aren't too close together. It also flows quite well because of the break up of syllables: Joseph is two, Apollo is three.

    If you want a detailed list on mythological names, Behind the Name has one of the best I've ever seen:

  7. I like it a lot actually. Apollo isn't something that strikes people as cool and unique but it did strike me as that.

    What about Alistair Joseph?

  8. it's okay. wasn't Apollo one of Rocky's opponents?

  9. i tink Apollo's a pretty cool name n Joseph is rather conventional.

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