
What do you think of the calgary flames singing Bertuzzi?

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What do you think of the calgary flames singing Bertuzzi?




  1. How is this guy still in hockey? Sure, the whole Steve Moore thing was bad, but has anyone watched him play since Vancouver? I could out skate him.

    All there is left to say is "I'm glad he went to the Flames, this will assure he will NEVER get his name on the Cup"

    Sorry Calgary...

  2. I think Big Bert is now their problem.

  3. I'm just glad he's not playing for the Wings anymore. I don't think he deserves to have his name on the Cup.

  4. Iginla is, in my opinion, the classiest player in the NHL and if Bertuzzi came on his recommendation (which i apparently did) then I say give him a shot.  Bertuzzi made an idiotic mistake, but he didn't mean to injure Moore as badly as he did.  I don't think this makes up for what he did, but I am a believer in second chances, god knows I've needed them.

  5. It is an intriguing signing.  He has not been the same player since he played for Vancouver.  He underachieved in Florida and Detroit (namely due to injury).  He had an OK season with Anahiem (40 points in 68 games), but was waived for salary-cap purposes.  

    If he plays like he did in Vancouver, it will be a good (maybe great) signing.  If not, it is a one-year experiment for Calgary.

  6. good signing for Calgary.  They need some offense there and hopefully assuming he stays healthy he'll be able to contribute to that cause.  This could be a rebound season for him.

  7. Somebody has to take a chance on a talent like Bertuzzi... why not Calagary?  But buyer be aware... his undisciplined style of play contributed to the Ducks losing to the Stars.  He wasn't the only factor but was a major one.  His entire career has been a example of lack of discipline... and it has been costly to every team he has been on.  At the same time, he is always been a huge asset to winning.

    I wouldn't take a chance on him though... I think the negatives outweigh the positives.

  8. Honestly being an Anaheim fan I like Bertuzzi a lot, he was the closest thing to a power forward we had, and I was definitely sad to see him go. I think that after you watch him play a bit more in your teams colors (that is if you're a Flames fan) he grows on you, not to mention he is a skilled and talented guy. Let bygones be bygones, he made a mistake.

  9. Interesting is what I say

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