
What do you think of the child in this video? Does not this child put our professional politicians to shame?

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  1. shes the next president forget obama get her as the first chile president an i dont care how old she is she deserves im not even from america.

  2. a link,

  3. She certainly doesn't look like she is starving, and apart from stating the problem that we are all painfully aware of, what of any substance did she say?  She just seems like an arrogant smart-aleck.  

    I for one am very tired of people with all the gloom and doom and criticism.  What point is all of the talk if there isn't anything to back it up?

    Bottom line, which I already knew, is that we should not put our trust in politicians or governments or any humans, but in God who created our planet and everything in it.   We should be looking to Him for the answers and praying to Him for guidance and help.  Instead, we stray further and further away and think we are so smart.

  4. A fine speech, just a shame they don't take notice.

    wonder if she'll still be as ideological whe she grows up?

  5. I'm speechless!!!!

  6. It is true everything she said but who will listen and pay heed to her words, a child no more than 12 or 13 years old. You people are you not ashamed to be part of this as a consumer.

  7. I think that most of the politicians look bored to death and so did the sound staff and police officer.

    And she wasn't a very good speaker either - it was boring and monotone - if you want to be taken seriously you have to engage with your audience and she didn't do that.

  8. maybe they were just giving her respect and not interrupting during her speech.  Although what she said was true she didn't tell them anything they didn't already know.  They knew about the environmental problems and their part in causing them, and they knew that they were doing much to stop it. all this girl did was remind them of what they already knew.  

    Sorry if I sounded harsh

    p.s.  she is an inspiration though

  9. She speaks well but her agenda is old, I have been hearing this same message since I was a kid.  Ted Danson made a passionate speech to the UN back in 1988 that our oceans would be dead in 10 years....well 20 years later, oops here we are.

  10. didn't get her anywhere did it,as usual the truth falls on deaf ears,but hats off to her for doing what she did

  11. She's very impressive and eloquent.  Let's hope her message hasn't fallen on deaf ears.

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