
What do you think of the childcare name ...?

by Guest60971  |  earlier

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Kids "R" Kids ??




  1. Personally, I think catchy child care names make them seem low-brow.

    I think your street and "Childcare Center" has a more upscale sound to it (ie Main Street Childcare  or Hamilton Childcare Center)

  2. lame

  3. I personally don't like it. I have worked in the childcare industry for years.

  4. I am not sure it is my favorite since it may have conotations of not helping the children grow.  A name that shows you are assisting the kids in learning or in social development or giving them a safe haven away from home might be better.  There is a new home day care in our area called Hand In Hand day care.  The logo shows a tiny child's hand inside a large adult hand.  I thought that was creative.  Perhaps you want something even more unique? Give us some clues like the name of your street (ie, a center on Olive Street could be the Olive branch) or anything unique like whther or not there will be a religious bent to the day care.  Maybe we can help you find an original name.

  5. Sorry, I don't like it.  It sounds quite blase, does not spark the imagination, or instill confidence.  Does not seem warm or welcoming.   It's not only boring, but it is poorly written.  It really conjures up an unsavory image.

  6. "kidz r s***z" would be better....

  7. It is a true statement

  8. you'll probably hear from Kids 'R' Us attorneys


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