
What do you think of the chinese people made homeless?

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due to the olympics. 13,000 a month thrown onto the streets to make way for improvements.




  1. i feel really sorry for them and they have done nothing wrong



  2. China's economy isn't strong enough to hold the Olympics. I think it's horrible that 13000 people are thrown in the streets just to make way from improvements, they really didn't deserve it

  3. Doesn't exactly uphold the Olympic ideal, does it?

  4. Terrible shame.

  5. i have a Passion and hate for the Chinese gov. what goes on in china is a disgrace one that sickens me, i try not buy Chinese made goods etc but for me is a disgrace that our athletes are going to attend, i think if there was transparency in china and death house etc are shown(houses where children some only months old are left to die of starvation whilst tied to beds  etc are common place) i think most or all would refuse to attend, down with Chinese tyranny and freedom for those that choose (Tibet) it is a sick country that is getting worse and our government choose to ignore the b a s t a r d s

  6. China has evicted thousands to make way for its super citys , poorly paying or not paying at all the workers who built them

    The olympics has been tainted giving it to this country, it will never recover

    Almost as bad as the 1936 olympics, Berlin Germany

  7. The games should never have been given to China in the first place. The Olympic committee knew all about the Chinese governments human rights record. Surely a more sensible idea would be to hold the games in Greece every time, where it originated from. There would be no need to build new Olympic villages every 4 years and each participating country would make a financial donation.

  8. i think it's obscene

  9. Some Countries are an embarrassment to the Human Race:- Peoples' Democratic Republic of Korea, Peoples' Republic of China, Equatorial Guinea, Islamic Republic of Iran, Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Somali Republic, Republic of the Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, and, the Republic of Zimbabwe. Wouldn't surprise me if the one after next World Cup goes to North Korea, and the next Olympic Games take place in Somalia!

  10. What a pity your only source is the socialist paper which is hardly one to rely on. In the past this paper regularly says anything to sell itself. Do you have any other evidence that could be relied on.

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