
What do you think of the choices in the Queen`s birthday honours list?

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Who do you think was deserving?

Who do you think shouldn`t have been left out???




  1. i think the same every time, what a bunch of un-deserving swines.

    it makes me sick, they are people that have been paid millions who have never really put them self out for anyone its a joke.

    yes they may do a lot for charity but  its not like they are going with out to give to others.

    sorry but its a joke

  2. " A ******* disgrace , they are given away like confetti at a wedding , there is no pride in them , it is not celebs that should receive such honers , there should be people who have laid there lives on the line for others , people who have dedicated there lives to making others happier , people who have endeavoured  to make this country grate again "

  3. I agree with the others.

    These awards should be ONLY for people who have materially contributed to the well-being of society, above and beyond the call of duty.

    The dominance of celebrity awards just makes the current celebrity culture even worse.  These people are paid huge sums to do simple jobs with nothing exceptional about them.  

    The Honours are becoming devalued.  In John Major's time there was an effort to return the thing back to a meritocracy.  Doubtless those involved in the selection would refute my opinions but I strongly suspect Her Majesty has a dim view of many of them.

  4. The usual exercise in stupidity

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