
What do you think of the current trend to incorporate superstitions and supernatural beliefs from other ...?

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cultures into your own life?

For example sage smudging, spirit guides and dream catchers are I believe traditionally American Indian but now seem to be widely embraced by other cultures.

Do you think borrowing bits of supernatural beliefs from all different cultures casues confusion?




  1. In the current venacular...  "I'm down with that."  People respond to what "touches" their soul.  Whether it be the "still small voice" of God, or a spirit guide.  The road to heaven is supposedly difficult to traverse.  If someone's personal road to heaven includes crystals, spirit guides, and meditation how would that hurt another?   I don't see the problem in respecting (or borrowing from) another's belief system.   "The church" has had chisms since Martin Luther (1500's) printed a Bible for the people, allowing mankind to make up their own minds.

  2. First of all, who are you to call it Native superstition? I find that very offensive. I would never call your beliefs a superstition just because I don't believe the same way. I am a non-traditional christian. I am one of those ppl who mix my beliefs. I incorporate my Native American spirituality with my christian beliefs, I also believe in the positve engergies of certain wiccan practices. Why? cuz it works for me, and i am perfectly comfortable doing so. I am not at all confused. One mans superstition is another mans true belief's, so you should be careful how you throw around the word superstition.

  3. Someone who practices these different methods would responsibly would know the origins, They are aware that from whatever culture source, they work and so they are employed.

    I could see where it might be confusiong to someone who was not familiar with different practices.

  4. Human beings have had many spiritual beliefs and practices over the millennia,  and most religious ideas are not new.  

    There are people who learn about and explore religious ideas from other cultures in order to broaden their own understanding. This may seem "confusing" to those who believe they have to accept the dogma of a particular religion and who want "the truth" delivered into their laps in a tidy package.

    But people with an open mind (as scientists should have) are emotionally able to deal with the fact that there are uncertainties in the spiritual realm and that we cannot know the answers.   However, just as scientists continue to search and discover, so do true spiritual seekers.

  5. If you look at it superstitions from all over the world are similar.Some may burn sage here.In Asia maybe they burn another herb.Pretty much for the same reasons.People inclined to believe in superstition.By nature they dismiss very little.They'll incorporate anything they find into their belief system.It's not new it's pretty ordinary.

           By the way American Indian is perfectly acceptable.Only the politically correct word police worry about it.See for yourself below.

  6. New Age phenomena cross all sorts of boundaries.  I agree it seems a bit incongruous.  It seems the only qualification New Agers require to embrace a belief is that it be unsubstantiated by evidence and unrecognized by science.

  7. In the old testament, the people slaughtered lambs and smeared the blood of that animal on their doors to keep a biological pathogen from killing their young sons.

    Just waiting for that one to make it's run again with the new agers.

  8. Confusion, probably. It's a sign of not being spiritually 'grounded'. The Catholics have suffered from that for centuries.

    Edit: Christians shouldn't judge, so I apologize for my remark. However, as I proved, knowing what's right can make a person judgmental. I'll try to exercise greater tolerance, if not humility.

  9. I think it is fine to borrow from other cultures. Nothing wrong with American Indian. I know many Indians full blood and they have no problem with it. I know many pale skins who claim to be half and it is those who have a problem with the term.


  10. Not at all. Because most are quite effective. And people adapt to their enviroments.

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