
What do you think of the descendants of former slaves getting reparations?

by Guest33356  |  earlier

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I personally think it's absolutely ridiculous! I mean why should you get paid for something you never endured, I'm sorry if I sound insensitive but who are you kidding?




  1. Did you forget about Jim Crow laws, and other governmental supported forms of racism. Or the fact that other groups have gotten them.  More over you don't think the things in the past have an effect on the today?  

  2. Yes they should absolutley get reparations.  What we should really do if we want to be fair about it is to put them back into the situation they would be in if they were never taken from Africa and made slaves.

    Even the poorest americans are rich compared to the average African.  So we should take everything away from them and ship them back to Africa so they can live like they would have, had our ancestors never taken them as slaves.

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