
What do you think of the events post 9/11 and what your hopes are for the future?

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What do you think of the events post 9/11 and what your hopes are for the future?




  1. I recommend you read "The Age of Turbulence" by Alan Greenspan and "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. You will get all your answers.

  2. The War on Terror seems to be an excuse for "anything goes" on the part of governments, in particular in the UK and the USA.  If you speak up you're deemed, rather stupidly, to be "with the terrorists".   It's cliched to say this but it's like George Orwell's 1984 : living in a state of constant fear and uncertainty, encouraged by what the government says.

    The world can never be a "let's all be friends and love each other and live happily ever after" place as suspicion and hatred is too entrenched in many parts  but hopefully something can be done about the issues that often create hostility such as the situation in the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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