
What do you think of the fact that Canada runs Nuclear reactors with the backup safety systems disconnected?

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Another story on it.




  1. It's politics.

    No Nuclear Engineer would ever run a plant that was dangerous.  Would you?

  2. I for one, do not find that particularly surprising.  China has for a long time placed little or no value on human life.  What can be done about it?  Probably very little, but maybe contacting the UN Atomic Energy Committee would help.  Your voice might be the one needed to push them(UN) into performing some kind of action that would encourage China to change their procedures.  Good question though.  Good luck.

    Best regards,

    Jerry K

  3. Thats dangerous but then many countries do far more dangerous things than that. For eg. Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal which can fall into hands of terrorists anytime, that could mean bye bye for lots of humans. I would be more worried about that than some N-reactor in Canada.

  4. Both your links just gave me, "Sorry, the page you requested was not found."

    If that were true, it would be bad, because that is what caused the Chernobyl accident.

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