
What do you think of the first day of the Republican Convention?

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I know that the day isn't over yet, but it is coming to an end, and I wanted to get some other thoughts. I did this for the Democratic, so I wanted to do this for theirs, too.

Before I say my thoughts, I want to say that I am a Democrat, and an Obama supporter.

I thought that the Republican Convention went pretty okay for the first day. There were some pretty boring spots on it, like that girl singing, but, for the most part, everything ran smoothly.

I don't like that whole "American pride" thing that McCain and his friends have going on, though. I would like to hear some other issues, rather than the war, and much of the night was devoted to the war and serving your country. And if I hear one more speech about McCain's time spent as a P.O.W., I will hurl. :p

I know it's the first day (second, I guess), so I have some leniency on it tonight. Tomorrow, you guys really need to bring it. Nothing that you do will change my vote on this, but I would like to have some sort of confidence in McCain. That is really all I want out of this, probably how you thought of Obama's speech.

I will stress this, too. Please dont disrespect me or my views. I tried not to be mean to yours.

Again, my question is this: what did you think of Day 1? What could have been improved? What wasn't good? And do you think tomorrow and the day after will be more of the same type of thing?

Thanks in advance for the answers.




  1. I like the protests outside. Same old inside.

    Republicans seem to think they "own" patriotism. I am a veteran of military and police service and this is irksome.

    I love my country every bit as much, and I, together with my family, have sacrificed every bit as much.

    McCain doesn't own sacrifice. And this line about him (and Ma Palin)being a maverick and a rebel is pure propaganda. They didn't write the book on this either, and no amount of rhetoric will change this.

    We need thinkers and strategizers in Washington - not people who shoot from the hip.

  2. Well it was a little boring to me tonight.  And I did not like the digs at Democrats of course.

    One funny part was the older lady who got Palins name wrong.  

    The part about McCain and Palin being "reformers" is interesting.  Did you hear the comment about "draining the swamp"?  I think they meant the democrats like Nancy Pelosi.

  3. My opinion is that the convention is a major bore.   I mainly look at the 10pm hour, cause that's what 99% of people watch.  

    The 'tribute' to the soldier was nice, but it's telling that they put this in the early hours.   They can't play this during the national broadcast hour or it would reflect on how poorly Bush has used the military.

    I'd pay to know what drugs give Laura Bush that eternal catatonic state.   She is eternally doped up.

    Bush was so typical.   It's funny that they got him off just as the national coverage started.  

    Fred Thompson must be getting money from the drug companies, cause his speaking style is like a heavy dose of Ambien.   I gave up on it.

    Came back in during Lieberman.   He's doing a good job.   He's smart, and makes strong points, but can't project much energy.   Just no passion.  

    Overall, just a bore.   It doesn't even get me mad, like GOP conventions usually do.

    To think that the big climax is going to be a speech by John McCain   Pretty lame.

  4. I'm voting for John McCain, but personally I would rather watch paint dry, then watch any convention. I'm listening to it does that count? It's all so boring. I'm just being honest.

  5. The hurricane coverage was a lot more exciting.

    Today - its pretty  much "Wrap ourselves in the flag", "911 - 911",

    "See our adopted orphans", and "Hero tortured POW veteran."

    Like a broken record.

  6. I have it on right now, and I am bored to tears!  

    oh, and by the way - I am voting for Obama.

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