
What do you think of the four day workweek in Utah?

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Do you happen to know how it will affect education? Will schools also operate four days a week?

Do you think it is a good idea, and would you be able to live this way?

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  1. It seems like a practical idea, saving energy.

    It may not be the best idea for all workers, but it will certainly be popular with some; so why not go for it?

    I've heard that productivity (work done per hour) is highest with a six hour work-week, six days a week.  But that isn't necessarily economical in other ways, such as energy and transportation.  And certainly the energetic individual may well prefer to work 10 hours, 4 days a week, rather than 8 hours, 5 days a week.

  2. I think it would affect eduction also. Personally, I think it is a great idea! It save gas AND shortens the work week. It seems like a win-win. Working for an extra hour or two for four days is worth it to me if I get three day weekends.

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