
What do you think of the girl who always hangs out with the guys?

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in high school i've always been awkward around guys but now that i'm in college, i've found that it's way easier to befriend guys than girls. so i've been spending break times and lunch hours with my guy friends everyday (since my girl friends and i don't have the same schedules). anyway i just wanted to ask what's your opinion if you see a girl who's with a bunch of guys almost all the time in uni? like do you think she's a flirt or that she's just being one of the guys or what?




  1. A girl who's just hanging with the guys is the first impression, but you almost always notice when a girl is a flirt by her gestures. A girl who hangs with the guys is usually more understanding, therefore it will help you in your future relationships.

  2. Ha, it's funny you ask that because I hand out with a lot of guys too.  We're all good friends, it's not that I'm around them to flirt.  Ya, at lunch I sit with them too.  They're fun to be around, I've dated one of them, but it's not much.  People don't think much of it because they're just used to me being around them all the time.  

  3. hey as long as u r happy then its cool but there is always people especially other girls who will hate and judge u but be yourself and happy.

  4. I am a tomboy, so I have always hung out with the guys. She might be one of the guys

  5. just hanging out i heard that some girls like hanging out with the guys because its much easier for them to have fun  

  6. In my opinion, she's just one of the guys. But I can tell if she's a flirt or not. This isn't one of those cases.

  7. Just want the style of be friends with guys because with guys no intrigues am I right?  It doesn't look awful with the guys friend because in my opinion guys are very easy to approach and easy to deal with than  girls. I myself like to be freinds with guys and as long you know your limitatiion with them I don't think you are  a flirt.

  8. most of the time it depends on what you and the guys you hang out with do, that affects what people think about you. so if your just eating lunch with them and talking and having fun on your break, then most people will think that your just friends. but if they see you going out all the time after class, leaving campus, staying out half the night, then they might think that your a flirt. but in this case I don't think that you have to worry about any thing. so just go to school have fun and hang out with your friends

  9. It depends on how you dress and how you act.

  10. I'm 20 years old, and practically all my life (16 years) I rather befriend guys then girls. Easier to talk to, more in common stuff like that. I've never been looked at wrong about it. I think its normal. Unless you are the one who always is the one looking for attention then that's a different story all together. I asked around and all of the guys I've hung out with always looked at me as just 'one of the guys'. They never  treated me any differently.  

    Basically I dont see it as being a flirt or a s**t or WHATEVER- you're just 'one of the guys'

  11. if she's hanging out with them in their house with a thong and bra she's probably a s**t....but otherwise one of the guys

  12. i think if she is dressed trashy she is there s**t  

  13. I used to be that girl and I was just one of the guys. Then I met some girls who are rlly fun to be with,so I have a good mix of guy and girl friends.

    But i feel more comfortable talking to my guy friends sometimes... they never judge and they don't care what I wear or even what i say sometimes. idk.. guys rock.. (as friends) lol

    **So nowadays, I think the girl who hangs out with the guys is one of the guys..UNLESS she dresses rlly girly... THEN u kno shes a flirt.

  14. id think she was a lady pimp or giving it to all the guys shes with

  15. i dont think people should really care as long as you're a nice person, it's none of their business who you hang out with. I've always preferred hanging out with boys than girls because i find them easier to get along with and less bitchy, making them more fun and better company to be around :)  

  16. they're just one of the guys!!!they hang out with eachother like any friends would do...there's just a gender difference!!!

  17. I  feel the same way it's a whole lot easier to befriend guys because girls criticize you on everything. To answer your question, no she won't look like a flirt because she always hangs with them. She's just being one of them.

  18. Good for you! I don't think that you will be mistaken for a flirt if you hang around guys all the time in University. There's a different level of intimacy between steady dating and just hanging out. Surely people will pick up on that. There's a much higher level of maturity in University / College than in high school so you should not worry about that.

    Attending University / College is an important time to build your networking. After graduation, you will be happy that you've met a lot of people and likely made several friends in school who can probably provide you with different kinds of services whether it be in studying together, help in your career search, a trustworthy medical/law/accounting practitioner, etc. Do branch out and don't exclude someone just because they belong in the opposite s*x.


  19. I've always hung out with guys more than girls because I find girls (for the most part) to be intimidating and dramatic.  Guys seem to be more accepting and fun; they're not afraid to try new things and to tell you that you're being a b****, whereas girls tend to just talk about you behind your back.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with hanging out with the guys instead.  You might be perceived as "one of the guys", but not always.  In my case, I'm actually dating my best friend, and we've been together for almost 5 months.  I'm really happy.  :)

    Don't worry about what the guys think of you.  Chances are, they'll think you're the hot chick who likes hanging out with them and having fun with them.  Nothing is more attractive to a guy than a girl who likes to have fun and who is comfortable around the opposite s*x.

  20. I have always been that girl, I get along better with guys than I do girls, they talk way less gossip, and they don't run their mouths to anyone about stuff that you say. Plus not a d**n one of them drink ***** beer. BUT the way I see it is 50/50. Half of the girls that hang out with guys are like me, just get along better with them, and the other half just want thier attention.

    (Here is how you can tell the difference, a bunch of guys are sitting around with one girl, a really hot girl walks by and they all start checking her out, if she starts checking her out too *lol* or just doesn't say anything, she's one of the guys, if she starts pointing out all of the things that are wrong with that girl, she is jealous, and just there for attention.)

  21. shes just being one of the guys. im the same way as you i sit with the boys and everything its easier than being around girls because boys dont care what you say.

  22. i think to have friend like you girl is more close in opinion and more fun than guys

  23. Girls can be extremely bitchy with each other and i would think other girls may see you as a threat because you get on so well with boys.  I agree with you, boys are very easy to talk to and don't have that competitive streak a lot of girls have with each other and this can become really tiring when you yourself are not like that.

    There is nothing wrong with what you are doing just be prepared for a little trouble if one of you 'male' friends girlfriends decide you are a 'threat' to her.  Other than that carry on!  We sometimes cant choose who we get along with more and it's great that you have found good friends whether they be male or female.  Don't let other girls ruin that for you!  

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