
What do you think of the hands in the back rule?

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What do you think of the hands in the back rule?




  1. The worst thing about this is that they didn't change the interpretation of a rule, since a push in the back involves a forward push. Hands in the back is just pointless- if a players running back into u, u cant do much. Using ur forearm in this instance is not instinct- and most players will use their hands.

    I dont no if anyone saw this but the worst ruling of this i have EVER SEEN was when the crows versed (i think) port and brett berton took a hanger in the sqaure. They paid this hands in the back. Thats the best bit about our game! and btw on the replays it showed his hands didnt touch his back.


  2. SCRAP IT!

  3. As the season has progressed I think the umps are getting it right now and they need to look at negative five minute to go play that is delberate time wasting ~~

  4. it great. Because it makes the game more fun.

  5. The rule goes beyond the original intention in order to make it easier for the umpires. Get rid of the current interpretation.

  6. i think it could be an ok rule if the umpires were a bit more consistent with it, they are too inconsistent to know lol and some players get away with it more than others...            

    cough " lloyd,scott lucas" cough

  7. Makes the players look like the guys in Riverdance.

  8. ALL the players aren't happy with it. The rule itself, just had not been tested in the pre season, and that is where all new rules are generally tested to see if they work or not, and because it wasn't tested no one was used to it when it came in. My belief is ..... if they had of trialled it in the nab cup it wouldn't be part of the game.

    At the end of every season they review things and that specific rule SHOULD be the first thing they look at.

  9. Its  one of the worst rules ever brought in. The rules are not to push, not that you cant touch another player. Its just rubbish & I dont understand why they brought it in. Just another way to exterminate a physical contest that the great game is based on. Watched a replay of th 72 grand final last nite, & the dudes were just bombing the the ball everywhere and takn spekkies all over the place, it was pretty exciting. Was none of this holdin the ball waiting for a loose man & was definatly no kicking backwards, forward forward forward was the only option. & guess what, they won using that tactic.

  10. Bit silly really, I don't get why players are not allowed to put their hands on another players back, yet are allowed to knee someone in the back to take a speckie mark.  

    Also the umpires are doing a sh*t job policing the rule and are totally inconsistant blowing the whistle, some players tend to get away with hands in the back whereas other don't.

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