
What do you think of the instruction in the OT "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"? Are you for it or... ?

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against it?




  1. wow, Mythos obviously knows NOTHING about the Salem Witch Trials!!!  it was the Christian girls who started accusing other Christians of being witches and attacking them in their sleep because they didn't want to get in trouble for seeking out Tituba (the only one probable witch) for spells.  if you're going to make a point, do some actual research on the subject!

    anyway, the passage used to be 'thou shalt not suffer an evil sorceress to live.' and it was changed over time to accommodate the current conditions.  

    I disagree with it, not only because I am a Witch, but because it contradicts the commandment 'thou shalt not kill'  

    ...and it's not the only passage in the bible that's contradicting, god commands his followers to repeatedly kill but still hands down the commandment telling them not to...maybe the commandment should read 'thou shalt not kill fellow Christians, anyone else is okay'.

  2. A sorceress: The practice of sorcery was almost always associated with "medicinal arts" (the taking of drugs) in the ancient world, and was therefore a connection between drug taking and occultist practices.

    b. You shall not permit a sorceress to live: This was considered a severe enough threat that sorcery was considered a capital crime. The link between drugs and the occult was rightly seen as deadly.

  3. She's a WITCH!

  4. The problem is finding a REAL witch, and not a wannabe.

  5. Against it, if God wants the job done, he'll do it himself. no need for humans to run around acting and pretending like they can know God

  6. Even Christians tell you that the OT has been superceded by the NT.

    If she's a Christian witch who truly believes Christ bled and died on the Cross to save her soul, she will live with him forever.

  7. I'm not for killing witches, no, but after what they did in Salem Massuchussets where Christians got accused of a "demon frenzy" that the witches stirred-up against them and caused 23 Christians to be hung, I have absolutely no respect for them.

    Of course, that's a juicy little tidbit of early American colonial history that they don't teach in public schools anymore.

  8. It's in the bible, it must be done. It's the word of God.  Far be it from me to say nything against God.  

  9. (18-20) Three capital crimes.

    "You shall not permit a sorceress to live. Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death. He who sacrifices to any god, except to the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

    a. A sorceress: The practice of sorcery was almost always associated with "medicinal arts" (the taking of drugs) in the ancient world, and was therefore a connection between drug taking and occultist practices.

    b. You shall not permit a sorceress to live: This was considered a severe enough threat that sorcery was considered a capital crime. The link between drugs and the occult was rightly seen as deadly.

    c. Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death: Bestiality was practiced in the ancient world, and God's Word specifically prohibits it. However, if someone will not allow God's Word to guide his or her sexual morality, there is no rational reason why this should be considered wrong.

    i. If we reject God's Word when it comes to other areas of sexual morality, there is no other place to draw the line. We cannot say that s*x with animals, children, or the dead is wrong if the ethic is "if it feels good, do it."

    ii. Recently, in response to their university's sponsorship of GLAD (g*y/L*****n Awareness Days), a university group answered with BAD (Bestiality Awareness Days) - but they were not allowed to have their own "celebration." There was no rational reason to reject this apart from a Biblical foundation for morality.

  10. Kill them all.

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