
What do you think of the latest study which amplifies warning on climate change?

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  1. Al Gore claimed that the deadly Myanmar cyclone, which struck on May 3, could be a result of alleged man-made global warming. "the trend toward stronger and more destructive storms appears to be linked to global warming," stated Gore.

    But scientists disagree, saying there is no way to link any single weather event to CO2 and global warming.

    Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global-warming activists. It was just a matter of time until someone found a way to link Cyclone Nargis and global warming.

    There is indeed a stupid tendency for people to now blame everything that happens in weather on global warming and the blame game has reached a level of hysteria

  2. excellently designed study.

    i just came on answers to post a question about it, you beat me to it!

    as one commentator says though, it's a shame we are still having to provide evidence, 30 years after the alarm was raised.

  3. I think for one thing it's an impressive study.

    "The data, which stretch back to 1970, capture the behaviour of 829 physical phenomena, such as the timing of river runoff, and around 28,800 biological species."

    I think it also confirms the accuracy of climate modeling.

    "In around 90% of cases where an overall trend was observed, it was consistent with the predicted effects of climate warming"

    And finally, I think it confirms the dangers posed by global warming and climate change.

    “Human-caused climate change is having a broad range of impacts on physical and biological systems, not only at a global scale, but at a continental scale”

  4. Interesting study, but it only repeats what anyone familiar with science already knew. It's sad that this kind of study is still even necessary.  Maybe the AGW doubters think we should pour more money into studying the "correlation" between apples and their attraction to the ground.

  5. I fail to see any warning in this study. Just that the warming has changed the timing and behavior of some natural processes.

    I didn't see anything that should cause more panic.

    "I think it also confirms the accuracy of climate modeling."

    This is an odd statement--maybe you meant the modeling of regional changes on ecology. GCMs aren't about predicting this.

  6. Love the article. It precisely explains what we as humans are doing to the earth. It's horrible how all of our pollution and greenhouses are hurting the earth. Before we know it, it will be too late to do anything about it. So I love articles that show people around the world that if we don't stop the pollution and green-house effects, then the world will be corrupted for future generations to come.

  7. There's other studies that say global warming is going to take a 10 year break.

    I guess it all comes down to who you want to believe, and who's opinions you have more faith in.

  8. I predicted all this years ago (not AGW specifically, but environmental degradation generally).  And I have the broken relationships to prove it.  But then, I'm just a crazy alarmist.  Maybe I should change my name to Nostrablobus.  Nah, just common sense to me.

  9. I think the climate constantly  changes and trends... I don't think we have any control over it...

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