
What do you think of the muslim council's document telling UK schools how to behave in Ramadan?

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The Muslim Council of Great Britain have published a document for all UK schools telling them how to adapt to fit around Ramadan (above link), eg not having swimming lessons, no s*x education, rescheduling parents evenings, etc.

Also this one which is how schools should adapt for muslim pupils atg all other times.

I can't find a similar instruction issued by the Jewish Buddhist Hindu Sikh or for that matter and other minority group. Are they suggesting that the 95% of children in this country who are not muslim reschedule their swimming lessons, s*x education, exams and parents evenings to fit around Ramadan.




  1. This really needs publishing on the front page of every newspaper and the following day we can deliver it to where it will be best used - the local fish and chip shop! How dare these jumped up creatures issue something like this! They are in a Christian country - we don't make them celebrate Easter and Christmas!

  2. this is the future i'm afraid as muslims have the highest birthrate.

    if christians or anyone else came out with this there would be open protests. the pseduo liberals are to blame for the growth of islam, a bunch of chickens which contradict themselves all the time cause their too scared of being seen as right wing.

    and Islam means submission - what muslims do is make OTHERS change their ways to accommdate their religion and hence it is other people who SUBMIT to islam. Is it me or am i the only person who actually knows this??????????????????????


    Ed's reply above is typical of the fake liberals. They are the type of person who if a christian came out with such bull they would make speeches about how christians are always forcing their opinion on others.

  3. of course! anyone in the government would do anything to suit islam. they would gladly make it law for all women to wear ninja suits and all the men to have 10 wives, but they know going that far wouldnt go down well, so they're starting off with little things. soon we'll have muslim only schools, then muslim only towns... just wait like, a year.

    but no. nothing should change for muslims, nothing AT ALL.

    if its a non-religeous school, they should not change ANYTHING for ANY religeon. thats not fair. if its catholic schools, they should only enfource CATHOLIC rules. other than that, muslims can put up or shut up i guess. or get home schooled if it offends them so much :). it probably doesnt offend them at all, its

    1) some non-muslim politically correct eejit trying to please the h**l out of muslims

    2) moaning muslims who hate britain and believe we should be under sharia (sp?) law.

    other than that, i bet most muslims couldnt care less about what you do during ramadamdmadmdan

    for the comment below, i have never heard of a jew only school in britain, and never been told about any jew rules at all.

  4. England is a moslem country by mob rule.

  5. I'd tell them to go get fukced!!!!

  6. I think its a bloody disgrace.

    If you go to their country you have to live by their rules - period.

    Why should it not be the same here?

    When in Rome as they say.

  7. Can't say I'm surprised, but then again the MCB does not speak for the majority of Muslims in the UK, they just happen to be the most vocal. Behind their facade there always have been agitators at work. Best ignore them and not give them the credence they crave.  

  8. i think muslims and their fairy tales should adapt to reality here on planet earth

    you could just imagine muslims reading the National Secular Society's guide on how to treat non-muslims in muslim schools and saying to themselves "theyre having a laugh"

    state schools should do the same.  the slow steady creep of islam into society should be reversed

  9. they should be told that muslim children should fulfil the requirements of the curriculum at all times of the year

    they should be told that if they want special treatment they should fund their own muslim schools

    schools already make many concessions and should not be continue to be dictated to by this group

    in some local authorities all meat is halal whether it is a school with predominantly muslim children or not

    too many concessions have empowered groups like this to believe they can decide policy for many areas of our lives

    it will not stop until this is a muslim state (which of course is the intention)


    i have taught in some schools that are more than 90% muslim pupils and i wish this organisation would tell the parents of many of these children how to BEHAVE in british schools- some of these schools have had the worst behaviour i have ever encountered  - so tell the parents not the schools

  10. We should publish a document and send it to every Mosque and Muslim area, telling them how to dress like local English people, speak English, worship Christianity (since it is the religion of England) and obey English laws and English customs!!!!

    See how they bloody like it!  

  11. The simple answer would be to tell them to sod off back to their own muslim country where ever that may be. Its surprising how many off these so called fanatics like the blond christian lady and alcohol once out of sight of their followers.Ship 'em out I say.

  12. maybe they should start faith secondary schools for muslim chidren.

    there are cathoolic ones that focus on holidays that relate to them.

    there are also jewish ones.

  13. NWO,  must suck to send your kids to UK schools now-a-days.  my heart goes out to you. you should all get together and fight back, protest, something,  do not let them get away with this.  

    and no, i am not joking around

  14. I think it stinks.

  15. If my kids where still going to school.I would take them out enough is enough.

  16. Sure?

    What has ghostly kitchen's ghost stories of tribe of different community has got to do with other tribe of different community in schools?

    Should'nt ghostly kitchen's ghost stories of individual tribe of different community stay back at home in the kitchen within own community?

    Exodus 23.24,32


    Not short-changing, conning and deceiving little children with self lack of knowledge being expose in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  17. The muslim council of Great Britain has no authority and can make whatever requests it likes. This is freedom of speech. The schools are also free to ignore these requests, so what harm does it do?

    EDIT how dare Ash presume to predict what I would think? If Christians were asking for schools to behave in a particular way I would think it was c**p, like I think this is c**p. I am happy to be "liberal", rather than a n**i LIKE YOU

  18. I really wish people would read what is actually written rather than going off the deep end about what they think it says!

    The links given are suggestions, not dictates. They are also written with regard to muslim students not every student.

    It seems like any opportunity to muslim bash will be jumped on with glee in this domain!

  19. As Parents  and this is going on in the Schools, why dont you all fight back and have a meeting in the Schools, and order it that all the Teachers are there including the Head. Then you have the right to ask these questions from them and get it put straight. I had a problem a few years ago when my Daughter who always wore her School uniform as she was very proud of it. She came home one day ( Summer time) and informed me that she could not wear the new navy blue sandals my friend and had bought them both to wear in the School, and she had to take them off and walk about in her socks all day, I went to the School and saw this Headmistress and ask her Why ? she said it is not part of her uniform. I said neither is that which is coming down the corridor now ! it was two girls in Sari,s . She said they are an exception so I said ok then ... now I am off to the Education dept in the City hall and I did,  and threatened them that I was going straight to the Local Paper. They very quickly   changed their minds, and it was all forgotten about.... they both wore their sandals all Summer. Its a question of sticking to your rights in this Country now and speak up about things that other people get away with.

  20. There are many faith schools around, and do not just apply to Muslims, having said that any body that starts to dictate how others should behave should have their funding pulled.  

  21. I've scheduled a hog roast for during Ramadan.

  22. No one should"Adapt" to any religion, but then it's the UK anything is possible.

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