
What do you think of the name Damien? ?

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What do you think of the name Damien? ?




  1. It makes me think of Damien Echols, that guy from West Memphis that was convicted of killing those three little boys.

    Bad mojo

  2. It's a good name. Sounds mysterious. It was used in the omen because of Damien and Demon but no big there were people before named Damien and there will be others. As long as he wasn't born on June 6 you'll be fine.

  3. The name itself is nice but I don't like it because it reminds me of the devil or something.. Im not religious but that is what I think of as soon as I hear that name :/

  4. i think of the son of satan.

  5. Cute i like Damien Price

  6. i luv that name! i think its really hot cute and s**y!

  7. I actually think it's an awesome name. But it does make me think of the Omen. Thing is, names last much longer than the fame of a movie... by the time he's 10, The Omen won't be a well-known movie anymore and Damien will still be a cool name.

  8. I liked the name so much i named my son Damian..different spelling of it. He is now 8 and knows nothing if what the name means or what others associate with that name.

  9. Because of The Omen, it comes on as a creepy name. I am not a fan.

  10. I think Damien is a nice name..

    D- Diligence

    A- Amazing

    M- a Man

    I - Intelligent

    E - Enthusiastic

    N- Neat

  11. It's kind of unique, and it's pretty good.

  12. Hi! I unfortunately think of the movie The Omen but who am I to talk? I like the names Reagan and Malachi and one is from The Exorcist and the other Children Of The Corn. Its not our fault they throw these nice names into creepy movies! I don't see a reduction in Jasons anywhere need I say more? I personally like it! Movies give names a bad rap lol.

  13. I love the name Damien. It is a very unique and strong sounding name.  

  14. I have always really liked this name. My husband doesn't like this name because it means Devil. (Look It Up) My husband watched a movie where the kid was named Damien and he was a devil. If you look it up it will actually come up with that meaning also.  

  15. I like it! And I like Dante too!

  16. It's alright.

  17. it's okay. but can't help but think of Damion from "The Omen". unfortunately, that movie put bad connotations on a very nice name. but that was a long time ago, so maybe it's time to get away from that.

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