
What do you think of the name Eleanor?

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It's my name.




  1. My first thought is that it is a bit old-fashioned.  Looking online, it appears according to one source that it peaked popularity in 1990, steadily decreasing as a baby name in the U.S. since then.  However, it sounds pretty, and I like the meaning of the name: "Shining Light".

  2. It sounds old fashioned but also sounds one of a kind since most people these days have the same names. Like theres alot of Josh's and John's and Brittany's.

  3. I love it!  It IS an old-fashioned name, but that's what's so nice about it.  You don't hear it that often these days, so it's unique... but not "weird" unique, just "rare" unique.  It has a beautiful sound to it, too.  Very classy and pretty!

  4. The name always reminds me of romance and pagentry. I always associate  it with Princess Eleanor Plantagenet; wife of Simon de Montfort, daughter of King John.

  5. Eleanor of Aquitaine

    That's what I think of.

  6. This is not a genealogical question.

  7. Here's some information about the name.


    English: from an Old French respelling of the Old Provençal name Alienor, which has been taken as a derivative of Helen, but is probably of Germanic derivation (with a first element ali other, foreign). The name was introduced to England by Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122–1204), who came from south-west France to be the wife of King Henry II. It was also borne by Eleanor of Provence, the wife of Henry III, and Eleanor of Castile, the wife of Edward I. Variants: Ellenor, Elinor.

    Cognates: Irish Gaelic: Eileanóra. French: Eléonore. Italian: Eleonora. German: Eleonore.

    Pet forms: English: Nell, Ellie.

    Hope this helps.

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