
What do you think of the name Fartimothy for a baby boy?

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It means "God's honor" in my culture.




  1. You to funn e. haha I see question you ask about throw up vomit for girl name. you make me laugh keep them coming because it make me happy today and me need that today

    thanking you me

  2. I think people will call him f**t or f**t in mouth all his life and that is just me being honest.

  3. I prefer Flatulence.  It has a better "flow" to it.


  4. yes!

  5. I named my sterling young son 'Tootarama'. It means "One who makes his presence known" in my obscure and proud country. Our leading export is recycled dental floss.

  6. You are a dufus idiot with these stupid makeup names. Everybody knows you are lying. Who's the idiot now?

  7. What in the world? I think it has a gorgeous meaning, however; if you name him that he's going to be teased until he's out of school! It will be torture on the little guy! How about just Timothy?  

  8. Haha, I saw a post made by your "wife" saying not to answer your questions, that you are psyco.  HAHAHA

    oops, too late.

  9. Thats a great name! I also like Diahoritha. It means "to cleanse your being" in my culture.  

  10. Do you live in your culture? No? Then I think you should consider how the name might go over in the culture in which you live.

    For instance, if I meet a child named Fartimothy, I will not be able to control myself from laughing and ridiculing the parents, as well as encouraging the child to get a name change at his earliest opportunity. But I'm a brash American, so your experience may vary elsewhere.

  11. Only if his sisters name is Poopimothy.

  12. I like it. My last name is Seepage, so I named my daugter Anel.

  13. The meaning is nice, but unfortunately with the word f**t at the beginning can be a concern especially with kids.

  14. When I see Fartimothy. I think of f**t Mouth. Don't do it unless you call him by a nick name his ENTIRE life.

  15. That is a work of cultural naming perfection Slapman. It's positively gassy! Go with it! Fartimothy Turdelle..I love it!

  16. good meaning bad name

  17. I think it'll go great with his brother Anusamuel's name!

  18. Any name that has the word f**t in it is terrible! I think you just made this up.

  19. cool, this one is really good

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