
What do you think of the name Jelena?

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pronouned like yell-in-a




  1. Is that pronounced like Helena? If so, I like it. If it's pronounced with a J sound, I'm not so sure.

    I see another answer says it's pronounced YEH leh nah, I like that. I didn't think of that pronunciation at first.

  2. I like it spelled "Jalina" and pronounce "Juh-lee-nuh". If your going to raise your baby where everybody speaks english everybody is going to end up pronouncing the name with a "J" sound anyways and not with a "Y" or "H" sound. Hope this helps! =)

  3. spanish name? LOVE it.

  4. If you like it then yea...but think about your childs future...what will the other kids say...and how easy will it be for others to pronounce some of my friends have hard names to prnounce one is Knisley...(nicely) nobody ever gets it!

  5. OK!

    why not ?

    if you like it , don't worry  

  6. I dont like it

  7. love it !

  8. I had a friend name Jelena pronounced the same way.. I think its ok but there are much prettier names to choose from for girls

  9. I love this name.  I wouldn't choose it for my own child, as I'm not croatian (serbian, russian, etc) though.  I also like Marija.

    btw, it's pronouned YEH leh nah (Marija = MAH ree yah - the r is of course rolled)

    There also Galina.  I know it's used in Russian, but I'm not sure what slavic-language regions use it also.

    Galina is prounced Gah LEE nah (or I guess GAH lee nah in Croatian)

  10. I think it's pretty, but during role call at school it will be mispronounced, and then kids will call her Jello Jelena.  

  11. I like it.

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