
What do you think of the name Katherine for a high school girl? How about Kate? Katie?

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I'm starting high school soon, and I am thinking about going by something different than just 'Katie'. What do you think of the name Katherine? How about Kate? How about Katie? What is the type of person you picture when you hear each of these three names?




  1. I like Kate as well - it does sound sophisticated but doesn't make you seem old.

  2. I like Kate the best.  I can picture someone sophisticated with that name.

  3. I like the name Katherine So yes you should go by Katherine

  4. My name is Katherine and I go by Kate, I hate Katherine it is to much of an old lady name, Katie is cute but reminds me of pig-tailed 6 year olds (no offense) So I personally would go with Kate.

  5. Kate is best... makes me think of someone mature and pretty. "Katie" is everywhere, get rid of it. Katherine is pretty too, but it sounds kind of old. Kate is very sophisticated!

  6. How about Katt? Katherine is a little formal for me, Katie is very overused, Kate is.. well that's my second pick. But my favorite you haven't mentioned would be Kat.

  7. Katherine sounds much nicer i think.katie or kate is just too common and boring actually,good luck in high school!

  8. Katherine is funny, smart, not white trash. Katie is cute, popular, immature. Kate is confident and cool.

  9. I think Katherine sounds very grown up as well as Kate. To me Katie is sorta young like. BUT, if you've gone by Katie for awhile it's very likely to stick with everyone that's called you that.

  10. Katie reminds me of a little girl.  Katherine is OK, but I think of a person quite a bit older than a high school student.  Kate is my favorite.  Kat is OK, too.

  11. How about going by "Kat"

  12. I love the name Katherine. Katie is kinda overused and boring. I would go by Katherine and have Kate or Katie as a nickname. =]

  13. I think Kate is the best name for high school. Many girls go into high school with the name Katie, so that could get confusing. Katherine can sometimes sound very grown up but still cute if you wanted to use it. My opinion is to use the name Kate. Very simple and sophisticated.  

  14. my name's katherine, but im only 12.

  15. I have a friend named Katherine. She's in high school right now.

    Her nickname is Kay. I know it's not on your list, but it works well for her. It's simple, cute, and short.

    Katie - I think of Katie Holmes.

    Kate - I think of innocence.

    Katherine - I think it's really regal sounding.

    Good luck :)

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