
What do you think of the name Kingston Ryan Costello?

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What do you think of the name Kingston Ryan Costello?




  1. i dont.....but now that you have brought it to my attention....its a pretty decent name....dont know about that kingston though....just tell me youre gonna call him ryan and not king or kingston....i know this guy named prince and omg i hate to even see him coming.....its just such a pretentios name....i know he didnt give it to himself but if my mom did that to me i would change it or use my middle name

  2. i agree that the name kingston just sounds haughty.  maybe switch it so that it is ryan kingston costello, that would be better

  3. I agree with the previous answer, swapping the names making Kingston the middle name would be better.  Kingston makes a pretty regal sounding middle name.  I asked my daughter what she thought of Kingston and she said that it sounded like a cigarette!  So, now you have 2 perspectives in one answer.  

    Seriously though,  I think kingston would make a GREAT middle name.

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