
What do you think of the name Kocain for a baby boy?

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It means "intelligent companion" in my culture.




  1. Oh come on, Slappy. You can do better than that.  Losing your creative streak I see.

  2. Do you hate that baby or what...

  3. I love it. Kocain Snortur would be a great name.

  4. people are really mean

    but dont name him that you could get in trouble for that because parents are coming up with outrageous names for their children now and he'll be made fun of

  5. Just like his sister Sigarette.



  7. Wow amazing name your girl Mary Jane!

  8. I think it's mean of you if you want to live in an English speaking culture.

  9. Is it pronounced like the drug?  I know it means something diff for you and its spelled diff but I dunno ab that if its pronounced like the drug.  Gotta think that not everyone is gonna ask how your name is spelled when you tell them your name!

  10. I think its a pretty cool name.. but i do think it could or would cause some problems down the road.. But if i were you i would wait till the after the babys born.. then get a dog for him and call it Kocain.. I think that everyone would love it as a dog name.. =)

  11. and if it's a girl you can name her Mary Jane

  12. its ghetto and wack as h**l

  13. You sure do have a lot of children.

    Kocain is a great name! It will go especially well as a middle name, first name Krack.

  14. Probably not the best name given that it sounds the same as an illegal drug! Although it may mean "intelligent companion" that will not be the impression given for the child or the parents that named the child that.

  15. hahhahaha what a dumb person...

  16. Cruel.

  17. um..i would think of a name that means something similar in your culture but that doens't translate to Kocain....

    he'll hate u in high school

  18. No racism intended at all but a dark skinned man named Kocain will have a hard life.

  19. You can name him Kocain if you want, but he will never be able to get a job because of what it means in the culture where the rest of us live.

  20. I think it's magnificent, just hope he doesn't have an addictive personality...

  21. Might be better not.

  22. thats not something that a child should have to explain or live with the rest of thier lives.

  23. Two points.

  24. You sure have kids pretty quickly, don't ya?

    xox- Julie

  25. i think you will have a chilled and relaxed baby, but he will cost you a fortune

  26. no offence to ur culture but..

    um wow he will hate going to school in high school,he will hate the name ,he will get teased by cool in generell ,he will have a rough time, he will be soo angry at you for doing that to him..h**l hate you ,it will bring up issues for sure between u and him do u really want that?

    that would be cruel dont do it

    its a drug here come on

  27. YOU WILL REGRET NAMING YOUR CHILD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! One day he will hate you for it!!!

  28. thats  a cool name wow you had another baby that quick  

  29. personally i think it's a horrible idea....simply b/c everyone does not know what it means in "your" culture.....i think of cocaine and im sure everyone eles will.....and they will probably think that you love cocaine SO MUCH.... that you decided to name your son after it....people usually name their kids after things they Lexus,Alize,Mercades and etc

  30. Where is Slapetta when you need her? You really need to be hit with a shoe. I thought you agreed, we would go with Cornpu. What is up with Kocain..that is so ghetto and trailer trashy. It has nothing on the sheer elegance and class that Cornpu has!

  31. If you plan on raising him in the US then I'd say choose a different name.  

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