
What do you think of the name Maxwell?

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I like the nickname Max. Which kind of boy do you picture for this name?




  1. i personally dont like it that much i suggest mathew instead (matt)

  2. Max is a cute little name. Sort of reminds of an energetic boy.

  3. very masculine.


  4. Maxwell is a great name!  Max would be a cute boy that would grow up to accomplish many tasks. :)

  5. The name Maxwell is charming. However, the nickname "Max" not suitable for your boy as it does sound like a dog's name. I prefer the name "Maxwell" but I wouldn't be calling my boy "Max".

    Go to this website to know the popularity of the name "Maxwell":

  6. I love it

  7. i have a cousin named maxwell yea i  love it!!!!!

    i also like it because it can be a baby/teen/adult name.. they all work!!

  8. i like Max but not Maxwell, i think of coffee

  9. I think of the coffee  

  10. Good solid name!

  11. Honestly, it reminds me of coffee.

    Here are all the options of names with Max in them:

    All the best.

  12. not one of my favorites Maxwell reminds me of coffee and Max is my dog's name ... but it's up to u ....

  13. a Blond haired Boy is what i picture maxwell with.

    i like the name a lot though rather good for a name

  14. I love that name, years ago I worked with a man named Maxwell, and his name suited him to a tea, he was smart and quick, dressed like a casual but sloppy executive with his trench coat flying in the breeze as he moved about, but was very intelligent and lovable with a great personality. Max is a great nickname, it shows strength and character. As a name for a small boy I think it will give him strength, no one can make fun of that name, he'll go far in life.

  15. The name Maxwell makes me think of Maxwell's equations.

    Maxwell's Silver Hammer on The Beatles' album, Abbey Road, with Paul McCartney doing the honors, also comes to mind.

    What do I think off the name? It's fine.

  16. Maxwell kinda sounds like a name for a Butler. I like just Max.

  17. Personally, I don't like it.  I think it's outdated, sounds like someone too serious and the consonants are too harsh.

  18. Maxwell is nice, a little posh, love Max

    what about:

    Maxim - Latin - meaning: The greatest

    Maximus - Latin - meaning: The greatest (this is my fave)

    Maximilian - Latin - meaning: Little Maximus

    Maximiano ((mahx ee mee AH no) - Spanish - meaning: Son of Maximus

  19. I like the name, but I'll be honest, the first thing that came to my mind when I heard that name was coffee.

  20. Get smart and pick another name.

  21. fantastic name. i picture a boy/man, friendly,smart, goodlooking

  22. I like Max, but not Maxwell. Like others have said it reminds me of "Get Smart" or Maxwell House Coffee.

  23. Kinda sounds like the name of a butler

  24. I picture him with pink slippers. (g*y)

  25. Max is a great name. Someone who is a bit mischevious but is totally cool and is liked by everyone =] thats what i think!!

  26. It's a cute name... but I picture a little short kid with glasses.

  27. I like it a lot! and Max is such a good nickname. IMO it's one of those names that will never really die out. good luck!

  28. when I hear maxwell I think of dark hair, big smile, brown eyes and just  plain hugable.  This also comes from a girl who kinda has a little crush on maxwell shetfeild from the nanny *blush*

  29. Really nice solid mans name!!  

  30. Good name ,Max  

  31. blonde hair, energetic, sporty, playful, happy boy :)

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