
What do you think of the name Mendacious for a baby boy?

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It means "trustworthy friend" in my culture.




  1. Your culture intriques me. Are you by chance Chimeric?

  2. No

  3. dont care for it

  4. I get a better lesson in vocabulary from just following you around than from listening in English class.

  5. Ohh myy

    I think of a boy that is gonna get tortured in school just because his name!!!!

    I also think of RIDICULOUS

  6. I respect other peoples cultures and think it's lovely to have a name form one's own culture.  As a Welsh Christian I will chose a Biblical name for my son, but spell it the Welsh way so the name will represent the two main things that I am.  I think the meaning of the name is lovely, but unfortunately the meaning is not obvious or implied in the name which is unfortunately very long, hard to know how to pronounce, and would likely be shortened to Mendy which I mean no rudeness at all to me sounds a bit girly.  Is there another name which wouldn't be too out of the ordinary that is also cultural for you and with a worthy meaning.  Unique names are very popular these days so having a culturally relevant name with a good meaning isn't a problem in modern society, I just personally feel that Mendacious is pushing the 'acceptance of different names ability' far.  

    But having said all that, I have just said the way I think things would be generally.  As for me, I wouldn't blink If a little boy introduced himself to me as Mendacious, although I would deffinately ask what the name meant and once I knew that I would get used to it, and who knows start liking it if the boy was nice, because at the end of the day I associate names with people, so if I like the person it doesn't matter what the name is I will automatically like the name.  :-)

    Sorry for rambling, hope there is something useful.

    God bless

  7. um no ! name is very very werid

    && you come up with  WERID names .

    what culture are you ?

    may you tell us :)

  8. Sorry, I think it sounds like a vaccine or insult.


  9. well the meaning is good but i wont go fir that name.. too long and too hard to pronounce

  10. No, I don't like it sorry. The meaning is good, but the name is not.

  11. That would be a fantastic name

    My daughter-in-law is pregnant , I will ask her to consider this name for a boy or maybe Girldacious for my first grandaughter

    Thanx for the idea


  12. An interesting and original name.  I don't know that I would choose that name but then, I'm not you.  On the one, they may get teased but, on the other, they won't get confused with the 8 other people in their class with the same name.

    I do think it's great that it means "trustworthy friend" in your culture because it means basically the opposite in the dictionaries I have.

  13. It is different. And really any name of any kid will get made fun of. Matt the Ratt? Lol, Who would have thought of kids making fun of the name Matt?

    As in the movie Roots, names have meanings and it comes from the father who names him or her.

    I don't even know how to pronounce it ether, but what a conversation piece for a girl to ask him how to pronounce it. An opening.

    Also ever heard of Johnny Cash singing that song, "Sue?"  He named his boy Sue.  He grew up one tough kid, lol.

    Well my wife just told me how to pronounce that name, and it sounds to me like a name but she thinks that the kid will be made fun of, and I believe the reason for that is because she or nobody has ever heard of that name.  She was asking what culture are you? Lol.

    Well hope this helps and have a Blessed Day, slowboy.  

  14. good meaning, but this name causes the "TEASE FACTOR"

  15. Simply beautiful! If he has a twin sister name her Girlicious! Mendacious and cute would that be? Hope this helps! =)

  16. sorry, it sounds funny.  though i like what it means.

  17. i agree, the meaning is great but you don't want your son to be picked on. mendy for short would only cause him grief

  18. You might as well name him fabulicious... It sounds way too faggy.....

  19. Sometimes  we get caught up in the meaning of the name, but not in the actual name. It doesnt sound like a nice name, at all. The poor boy will have to live his life with that name... being picked on... teased.. school is hard enough without having a weird name! Sorry!

    Best of luck!

  20. no im sorry but i dont like it at all

  21. No I don't care for it, but then again there allot of people out there with names I would not choose myself.

  22. tee hee

    ur kidding right?

  23. ummm, maybe if you are still where your culture resides, but if you are in the USA your child may suffer some harsh ridicule...

    reminds me of meningitis (not sure on spelling) and the scientist mendell

    maybe even a drag queens name...MENdacious! like men and delicious combined with some other letters.

  24. OMG NO NO NO !!

  25. Wow that name is very different. Don't like it much sorry!

  26. Mendacious means "truthful friend" in my culture.  

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