
What do you think of the name Oden Russell Smith, or Orion Russell Smith?

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  1. I don't like either, and I don't think I'll ever like a name that starts with the letter 'O'.

  2. I like Orion much better than Oden. Oden reminds me of a puppy... Orion of the constellation.  

  3. Orion Russell Smith is a very handsome name and a unique first name is always a plus with a common last name. Good choice!

  4. orion,although im partial to oden being that it was my grandfather's name

  5. Orion

  6. Oden is the Swedish form of Odin, pronounced OO-den. If you want it pronounced O-den go with the Odin spelling. As that is how it is pronounced. Being a Swede, I have to go with Oden over Orion.

  7. I like Orion Russel Smith much better than Oden.

  8. Not fond of either, but Orion is definitely better than Oden!

  9. If it's out of the two, Orion for sure.  

  10. i like Oden Russell Smith

  11. I don't like either! Sorry, how about Owen? That sounds like the first 2, but is a much better name in my opinion.

    Owen Russel Smith!

    Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

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