
What do you think of the name Plbtplbt for a baby boy?

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It means "respected hero" in my culture.




  1. ribbitribbit Plbtplbt sounds niice.

  2. um, you DO know that it is impossible to have a word or a name for that fact  without a vowel at all.  and you must be pretty bored to come up with an imaginary name that isnt even a word!

  3. I think there are too many vowels in the name.  

  4. hellz no, i cant even pronounce it

  5. Love it. Very masculine. =D

    Well, it is... in my culture!

  6. Must be Welsh.  Very dignified.  Qsvtqsvt is along those same lines, in the Keyboardist culture.

  7. It's lovely, Slappy. It sounds like a great release, of air perhaps.

  8. It depends where the emphasis is.

    Plbt-PLBT with the emphasis on the last syllable sounds a little strange, but if it's PLBT-plbt with the stress on the first, then I'd say it's a lovely choice.

    And you could use Plbt as a cute nickname too! :-)  

  9. How do you pronouce that? Think about what your child will be like elementary school. That name is a beating waiting to happen.

  10. I would answer your question, but we were told by your 'Mrs', the other day, not to lol.

  11. It certainly is a respectable name. I could definitely see my self respecting and looking up to a guy with that name.

  12. why dont you name him sunglasses jr?

  13. sdtgwaeryaewryhyuthsgsdtg is better

  14. It's cool!   I like that fact that there are no vowels in it.  That will surely be an attention getter when He gets older.  

    Two names I heard recently, that You might want to consider:

    Oronjalow (Or on ju low) and Limonjalow (Li mon ju low).

    In my culture - they mean "orange jello" and "lemon jello", but they sound powerful!

  15. WTB a vowel.

    Alls I see in this name is "Pleeb" which isn't a good thing.

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