
What do you think of the name Ploppetta for a baby girl?

by  |  earlier

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It means "genuine friend" in my culture.




  1. It's classic! She'll be little miss popular! Another gorgeous name from Slappy!

  2. Hahaha of course it means genuine friend.  You are my Ploppetta, and I value your plops

  3. that is really not pretty. if you want the kid to be made fun of. go ahead.  

  4. Please, don't!

  5. Right along with her sister Plumpetta!

  6. And Plop for short? No way.

  7. Its great HAHAHA

  8. fact i have a middle name....Ploppetta Droppings...such a ring to it huh?

  9. If this question is for can avoid a future suicide by NOT naming a child "Ploppetta"...might as well name the child "Killmenow".

  10. slappy where do you get these names ?  i would name any child that .  

  11. Makes me want to pet my  meatfart. Thats what I'm going to name it!!!!

  12. no.....

  13. Sure whatever Slappy Squirrel!

  14. u *** up with some great names slappy

  15. Very classy and unique.  

  16. If you want the kid to be teased its ok. Yuck I would feel sorry for the kid  

  17. I think that one's going to be a problem sorry

  18. It may mean something great, but it sure sound horrible!

  19. Try something else. What does precious, lovely, or beautiful mean in your culture?

  20. Are you kidding me?! Do not use that name for your baby! Stick with something normal.

  21. Boooo.... Where do you come up with these?

  22. You're trying too hard. Just face it. You aren't funny anymore.

    xo luce

  23. sorry but no way

  24. Why do you do this? You've put like 5 ridiculously idiotic names up and gotten the same answers each time. What is your culture anyway? Stupidity?

  25. No offense but it sounds funny, not pretty.

  26. :S are you being serious? erm...

    use it if you like it...

    good luck to you. and your child.

    Please vote!

  27. Please don't do that to your child!  

  28. Absolutely love it. Once again you've come up with a wonderful name slappy!

  29. Plopetta? And call her 'Plop' for short? Do you want her to get beat up all the time? You're asking for trouble with this one...

  30. I was a girl that was teased a lot for many things physically the last thing i would want is to be teased for having a weird name. it sounds like the baby would be an obese baby

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