
What do you think of the name Pubix for a boy?

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Pubix Ryan Price




  1. please tell me you are joking...pubix as in pubic hairs? haha

  2. Omg..

    some people, seriosuly. WTF!

    Pubix, how bullied will he get.

    People will just take the absolute p**s out of him with pubes.


    ahah Crystal, Jenna Talia. Thats funny.

    please dont name your son pubix or pubrix.

    how about





  3. i don't like offense

    pplz who r praying for her not to have any children its just so stupid she is just naming the child which is not good d**n u pplz.

  4. Might as well name the kid p***s.

  5. I think you're an idiot.

    Would you like to be named Pubix? I dare you to go by the name Pubix for one day and see what happens, listen to all the laughter you will get (that is, people laughing and looking shocked at that disgrace of a "name" you have)

    I don't think any child would want that burden put upon them.

    Please think about this.

    Ryan is nice though.

  6. OK, I see you note about owning a Pub, are you thinking of pronouncing it Pub-ix? When you look at it looks like Phew-bix, which seems like a name that could lead to a lot of teasing. Maybe providing pronunciation could help, but overall it's not something I would pick.

    What about Publius? It has the PUB in it and is a latin name that means public, just looked it up in my baby names book. It's not really my style, but I would say it's a bit better than Pubix.

  7. Pubix Hairz Price.


  8. No way, im hoping your kidding.

    poor kid.

    im hoping its a girl,

    please dont name him that. lol.

  9. It's awful.

  10. I feel sorry for the little guy when he gets in school.

  11. This is a joke, right? How about Hairz for his second name?

    If it's not a joke, then it's awful. With or without the added R. You're the one who owns the pub - if you think it's such a great name, change your own to it. But give your son a name he can live with.

  12. NOOOOOO!!! Why would you do this??? I love the name Ryan, but the prefix "Pub" isn't gonna do anything but make him hate you every time he gets his nose busted...

  13. i hope you this is a joke? Otherwise, i pray you don't have any children.

  14. Ryan nice.

    but Pubix? your joking?

    And im not trying to offend you.

    Edit: Yes it may be original but would you want to be called that? You need to think of your child here, they will be the one who has to live with the name and the ridicule.

  15. I'm not sure if this is a serious question or not, but just in case it is, then I don't think it's a very good name for a boy.

    He will be teased a lot, as it sounds very similar to the word pubic.

    Ryan is a nice name though.  

  16. Please do not do that to your child.

  17. HA HA HA you're kidding right???  It sounds like pubics, or pubic!!!

  18. Please don't! I think he would be bullied when he gets to school. Plus it sounds a little like pubix hair, sorry! Kids can be very cruel.  

  19. every day at lunch some smart mouth boy will say, "hey, I got a Pubix/Pubrix hair in my food".

  20. yeah its great.

    if you want him to be tortured and laughed at by all the other kids. Probably laughed at by their parents and everyone he ever meets too.

    fab name.

  21. Ryan is a good name, put dont curse the child with a name like Pubix. i tried finding a meaning & all that came up was PUBIC!

  22. Please tell me that's a joke.

    "Hey Pubix, do you even have pubes?!"

  23. i hope your joking thats mean to call your baby that

    but if you have a girl next call her jenna talia then you'll have pubes and genitals

  24. pubix ??

    please tell me this is a joke.

  25. Please, please, please, do not inflict this on your future son. I know you said you own a pub, but that's like naming your kid Fishix because you work at the fish and chip shop.  

  26. You own a pub, that explains everything. Stop drinking the profits wait for the fog to clear and call him Timex!

  27. it is really hard to take this seriously.  go ahead, but name your daughter Muff!  seriously,  why would you name your child after a tavern or pub.  maybe just change your business or career.  I am a diabetes educator, but i wouldn't name my child "Insulin".

  28. NO, plz dont name him that!!

    If you do i would feel bad for your son!

    How about Brendan, Andrew, Kevin, Jason, Carter or Kyle?

  29. errmmm the name pubix i would have to say is not nice atall. how about:

    ryan scott price

    dean ryan price

    kevin ryan price

    dylan ray price

    jason ryan price

    jamie ray price

    but remember you dont have to listen to what everyone else says becuase this is going to be your baby boy not theirs.

    but i am going to say as your boy grows up he will not like the name and will probably get bullied.

    thats just my opinion sorry if you did not like it or i offended.

  30. No, I don't like this name.  I think your child will be bullied

  31. Sorry but that doesn't sound very nice.

    Sounds like the type of name some greek god might have!

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