
What do you think of the name Schuyler?

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For a girl, I mean.




  1. sorry but i hate it!!!

    it sounds like a dogs name..

    but i agree with the person above me that said Skye was pretty

  2. I love it and that's how I like it spelled too. Skylar is too cutesey.

  3. I don't know how to pronounce it.  If it is pronounced SKYLER than i would spell it Skylar.  That is a cute name for a girl.  Skye is also cute.

  4. First, thank you for spelling the name correctly. This is a lovely name for a girl. I know a Schuyler and she loves her name. She goes by Skye

  5. I like this spelling and actually kind of prefer it.

  6. I like it, but spelled differently. People often mispronounce this variation as shy-ler.

  7. Good grief, it's awful.

    It sounds like a lifetime of explaining how to pronounce the name, as well as correcting misspellings of it.

    Don't do this to your child.  The child will grow up to resent you greatly for saddling them with an impossible name.

  8. The problem with the name is that no teacher will be able to pronounce or spell it.  Also, people with uncommon names are sometimes passed over for jobs just because they seem "less classy" than applicants with "normal" names.  I just read that in a book last week.

  9. I love it.  My cousin is named Schuyler, it means scholar.  She loves her name.  Her middle name is Grey, which is a family name.  Schuyler Grey fits her well, she is smart, well-spoken, polite, and very mature for her age.  Great choice, I love it!

  10. I would like it better if it was spelled Skylar that way they could spell it Sky as a nickname

  11. Aggressive looking.

  12. Schuyler is a great name.  I would spell it just as you have.  I think it is an interesting uncommon yet elegant name.

  13. Horrid for a girl. It's masculine and ugly.

    Save it for a boy.

  14. I think you should go with just plain Skye for a girl... Schuyler sounds too masculine.

  15. No, it's a boy's name.  I don't like it for a boy either, but that's just my opinion.  

  16. i would give that name that name to a boy but i would say skye is better

  17. I like Skylar, spelled that way, I think they would pronounce the other spelling SHOE LER! Pretty name but use the Skylar spelling!

  18. Schuyler is a boy's name. It's masculine.

  19. I love the name Skye (you could mix it up and spell it Skai or something?) But Schuyler sounds kinda boyish to me.

  20. Dear lord no.

  21. Nope, not so much.

  22. I like it, I know a couple that named their daughter that, and used that spelling. However, a lot of people would pronounce it Sk-oo-ler, so you'd be forever correcting people. But still, it's pretty.

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