
What do you think of the name Sigarette for a baby girl?

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It means "wise princess" in my culture.




  1. Although it looks pretty the child will be teased a lot in a western culture. Did you read the odd news article about the child who was named Talula does the Hula or something.... how much is your child going to resent you for naming them a name that makes them sound like a cancer causing tobacco product.

  2. it's really too bad it means something so beautiful in your culture, because everyone here is just going to think her name is cigarette.  How is it pronounced? maybe a different spelling?

  3. If you're in your culture's home country then it's fine.  If you're in an English speaking country, please keep looking for the sake of your child.  Kids will be calling her "Butt Head" for many years  to come.

    BTW, an extensive Google search does not back up your claim of it's meaning.

  4. Sure, you could call her Siggy for short! Its like a feminine Ziggy, but better!

  5. wow did you get pregnant and give birth overnight again? well congrats again So does this make this number 35?

  6. I like Misty, Virginia, and Kamel for middle names.

  7. hahaha... you have nothing better to do than come up with names like this do you? I think some of the stuff you come up with is brilliant, and it makes me wonder how many people actually think you're serious... or worse, would even consider the names for their children! haha

    keep up the good work, always makes me laugh :)

  8. Ha, my wife worked in a maternity ward. Some poor young thing named her baby "Clitoris", said it sounded pretty...

  9. wise princess huh? do you realize how bad your child would get picked on? its very... um unique... but i do not like it. sorry. = (

  10. i think you spelled it wrong... cigarette, ha ha

    will she have a brother named cigar???

    better yet tobbacco??

  11. you really need to get a life or a girlfriend or something.

  12. Sigarette? Good ol' Slappy!

  13. no way sry but its sounds exactly like cigarette if only that wasn't it it would be sooo pretty

  14. Slappy, you are so creative and always ask about the best names! Sigarette is very cute! Ashley or Ashes would be beautiful middle name. "Sigarette Ashes", now isn't that simply an amazing name?? Hope this helps! =)

  15. Oh please! It does not mean wise princess! Haven't you heard the latest news on the judges rulings? Some names that are given by idiot parents were not accepted! They were forced to name their child something else. I think that would be the case here. Get a life.

  16. AWESOME!!! dats so cool. lol,

    it sounds like cigarrette, which is awesome. i like da meaning , very serene and zen.

  17. NO!

    It sounds just like smoking a cigarrette even though its spelled differently.

  18. Yup.

    Because that won't sound at all silly.

    I can hear her high school days

    "Sigarette, you are SMOKIN"


  19. wow, that's really beautiful! her brother can be tobacco aka toby.

  20. Smokin'

  21. It's beautiful! I was thinking of Marlboro for my little one, but I might steal this one since it sounds much more feminine.........

  22. Yeah and her little sister can be

    Ann Fazima.  You're a crack up!!  I don't think that you will ever stop.

  23. I love it..... How bought Lytar as a middle name?

    Sigarette Lytar

  24. R u serious?????

  25. haha very funny.......NOT

  26. Only if you make her middle name "Marlboro"...

    Do you have any idea how many times she would be asked if she had a lighter in her life? haha.

  27. Sigarette and if you're having twins- Kopenhagen~!

  28. Bloody awful.

  29. Please, contact my company. She could be a poster child for the "Lucky Strikes" Cigarettes company. My name is Don Draper. I'm a Ad Man on Madison Avenue. A.K.A. (Mad Man)

  30. i suggest kepping it as a family nickname (if its really a name in ur *culture*)

  31. Sigarette Butt would be a beautiful name!  Maybe you can use f*g as a nickname?

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