
What do you think of the name diamond for my Webkinz Samoyed dog?

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I might name it Diamond, what do you think? (I'm also open to suggestions). =)




  1. that is a great name! =D

    and more names are

    - snowy(i named mine that)


    -frosty(but maybe too snow man namish)

    Have fun with your samoyed!!! add me I'm sunm (and I have a samoyed too!!!)


  2. I would recommend anything that has something to do with the type of dog.

  3. Congratulations on your new Webkinz Samoyed Dog - you are lucky to have found that! Diamond is a perfect, pretty name, but if you still need some ideas, here are some suggestions and name ideas:

    - Salmon

    - Alaska

    - Sammy

    - Sam

    - Amethyst

    For more ideas, go to Click the down arrow, and find the Samoyed on the list, then click Search. You will be directed to a wide variety of names for you to choose from! Have fun with your new Webkinz!

  4. I just adopted my samoyed dog a few minutes ago! I would rether name mine something alaskan like Nikki or Chinook. Something american just doesn't fit.

  5. I like that.  I have the White Persian Cat named Snowflake.  I also like the name - Ice.

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