
What do you think of the name marta?

by Guest67106  |  earlier

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so which name would you prefer for a baby marta or martha why?




  1. martha sounds a tad bit old fashioned but at the same time classic

    marta sounds a big harsh and germanic but at the same time a bit more unique

  2. i think that marta is good because of the meaning it have

  3. Martha, it's my Mum's name.  

  4. Martha.  I think it's a beautiful old-fashioned classic, that's starting to sound fresher these days because it's gotten so rare to me.  Marta is a little harsh on the ear for me.  I'm also more used to Martha as an American; the only Marta I knew was European, from Spain.  I like the softer sound of the -tha in Martha, and Marta to me sounds too similar to the boy's name Martin lol.

  5. I know two or three girls with this name. I love the name Marta, very feminine and sweet. Martha's gorgeous as well but Marta has always seem a bit more exotic and elegant but very classy - at least to me.

  6. i knew a girl in high school named marta and she got herpes...soo i'm kinda turned off to that name, sorry!

  7. I prefer Martha.  

  8. My friend's daughter is Sioned Martha. lovely name a nice welsh name xx

  9. I prefer


    Its sweet and pretty

    Marta reminds me of a martyr


  10. Martha or even Martina is better than Marta. Simular names are also Marla, Marlana, Marsha and Marti

  11. Marta is cute. IT reminds me of the little girl on The Sounds of Music. Martha is so old and farty.  

  12. I prefer Martha to Marta because Marta is a little harsh and sounds more masculine than Martha. I once met a girl named Marita; I thought that was a beautiful name.  

  13. sounds like an old lady's name

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