
What do you think of the name "Fritzi" for a girl?

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I heard it in a movie once, and then discovered there were two famous silent film actresses, Fritzi Ridgeway and Fritzi Reiff (sp?) so I think that adds to the glamour of the name. Now, I don't actually have kids yet, but when I do, I'm seriously considering this name for a girl because I think it would be just different enough and still cute. I've had mixed opinions from family and friends, most liked it but a few didn't. Let me know your thoughts, thanks!




  1. I had a hamster called Fritzy. Take what you will from that.

  2. I think it's really cute. She'd definitely be bullied, though. I like Mitzi better.

  3. Well, umm, it sounds more like something I'd name my dog or cat... I mean that kid is bound to be made fun of. Fritzi Lucille - the next Tula Does the Hula! You don't want that now... :(

  4. i think Fritzi is nice but try to think of another name that goes with Fritzi, like Fritzi marie, ann Fritzi , Fritzi madelaine,etc. i know you're still young so u still have more time to look for a name for your soon to be kids.

  5. I really like it! it is very unique and cute! never heard the name but it is beautiful! Love it love it!!

  6. Honeslty, it sounds like a dog's name.  

  7. Not a fan of it as a legal name. But I don't see anything wrong with it as a nickname.  

  8. I don't like it, sorry. Fritzi sounds like a name for a dog or cat, not a child.  

  9. My sister had a dog named Fritz one time so sorry it reminds me of a dogs name

  10. I don't like the name,but that's just my opinion.

  11. Haha before I read the first answer I was going to ask if you were picking a name for a girl poodle. No, it's not a good name for a little girl, at all.

  12. Honestly, I wouldn't name my daughter Fritzi. It sounds better as a nick name or even possibly a middle name. It's too cutsie or.. I don't know, fluffy. Like that one person said, a poodle. Sorry. Lucille is a nice name though.

  13. sounds like a dog naming your kid sparky....

    sorry i dont like it...

  14. reminds me of a poodle name..sorry

  15. It's great for a girl... a girl German SHepherd that is

  16. reminds me of a little hairy puppy

  17. I agree, not trying to be rude but yes it does sound a lot like a dog's name.  

  18. It's a horrible name, especially for a girl. I could understand the name being for a man either from Germany or of strong German descent but an American little girl - its just horrible.  

  19. I don't care for it.

  20. My cousin has a cat named Fritz, so no, that's not a smart idea at all

  21. I really dont like it. whne your daugher grows up and has kids do you really think she going to want the name Fritzi?

  22. I once knew  a woman named Fritzi.  I think it was short for Frances.  It does sound  more like a dog's name.

  23. It sounds like something you would name your pet, not a little girl.

  24. My great Grandfather's name was Fritz too. He inhaled mustard gas in world war one, and always coughed a lot.

    But anyway, I like Fritzi, (I like it spelled Fritzie too). It's a nickname for the German female name Friederike, which I actually like better because you could use Fritzi, Frieda, Rika, as nicknames.

    But I think just Fritzi would work too, if you don't like Friederike.

    I like it because it's uncommon, and not at all trendy. When she gets to school there won't be seven other girls with the same name in her class, like there would be if you named her something like McKensie, Madison, or Sophia.

    I don't really like it with Lucille though. Fritzi Lucille just doesn't sound that great to me.

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