
What do you think of the names Phoebe and Naomi?

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Phoebe pr. fee-bee

Naomi pr. nay-o-mee




  1. I think they are kinda strange and your kids might not like them in the future, and might get made fun of.

  2. i really like phoebe phebes pr. feebs for short..and naomi is nice too...i think twin girls phoebe and naomi would be sooo sweet

  3. Phoebe is weird. I think Naomi is cute,

  4. I'm not too fond of Phoebe, but Naomi is pretty. I'd suggest looking on this websites to see how opinions of the names Phoebe and Naomi compare to each other:

    For Phoebe:

    For Naomi:

  5. Love them both ! If i had to choose though ... naomi would be first choice

  6. Naomi sounds like a s**t name no-offence

    Phoebe is lovely i would defiantly call a little girl Phoebe

    good luck

  7. love naomi but not too sure on phoebe

  8. Phoebe When are hear that it sounds like friends  

  9. i actualy really like both names.  neither are too common and both are pretty.  i think naomi just has the edge but its a tough call.

    i know 1 phoebe and she very nice, fiesty and a little stubborn but very pretty and kind.

    i know 2 naomi's both very artistic, lovely, warm girls if a little indecisive.

    i hope that helps.

  10. Not a fan of either of them. But Phoebe isn't that bad.

  11. I LOVE Phoebe! Naomi's okay but I wouldn't call my own kid it. One of my closest friends is called Naomi!!

  12. It would totally depend on the surname. Do they go well with it?

  13. I'm not a massive fan of Phoebe as it instantly makes me think of the silly character in Friends! My Dad wanted to call me Phoebe but my Mum didn't and she won! But Naomi I like...

    My neighbour's daughter is called Lilly, which I really like actually esp. as it's meaning is beauty...

    xx :)

  14. i pnamesersonally thiink they r great names, cute too.

  15. Both are nice, but I prefer Phoebe

  16. I like Naomi better then Phoebe.

  17. Nearly as bad as Phylis and Doris.

  18. both are beautiful - shame about Naomi campbell!!!  I prefer Phoebe just because that spoilt supermodel is called Naomi!

  19. i love them Phoebe rocks :)

  20. Hi I love the name Pheobe, it would be one that I would use for my daughter if I had a girl but seen as thought I have a cat called Pheobe I couldnt choose it as a name, lol Naomi is a nice one too. I like them both really.  

  21. Love the name Phoebe Naomi is pretty too i suppose!

  22. nice =]

  23. Both very nice

  24. I usually like different and interesting names but I don't like either one of those.  

  25. i don't like phoebe

    i do like naiomi

  26. There not strange names lol far from it.

    I like Pheobe bs but there both pretty.

  27. i prefer phoebe

  28. I love the name Phoebe.  Naomi is ok but I don't like it as much as Phoebe.

  29. i like them both

  30. Phoebe - "Friends"

    Naomi - "The Judds"

    That's what I think of.

  31. i like phoebe.

    not keen on naomi

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