
What do you think of the names.......?

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and Cearian?




  1. Courtney is my favorite, such a charming name. I also like Chelsea, it's very pretty. Cian is a unique choice, I like that it honors your heritage. Courtney would definitely be my pick, you won't run into any pronunciation problems and I think it's just a great name. Good luck!

  2. I really like Courtney and Chelsea but... but Cian and Cearian. How do you even pronounce Cian and Cearian?

    I have to say that Courtney is my favorite out of these 4.

  3. courtney or Courtlyn

  4. Chelsea and Courtney are fine. Cearian sounds like Cesarian!

  5. Chelsea is nice so it Courtney, Cearian reminds me if Cesarian like a c-section.

  6. I like Chelsea

    and i love cearian, but the spelling Kieran looks better to me.

    i kinda like cian but i like Kian (ki-an) more.

    suggestions: its close to kieran how about kiernan (kier-nan)

  7. I love Chelsea and Courtney - I don't care for Cian or Cearian.


  8. I absolutely love the name Chelsea.

    My name is Courtney so obviously I don't think it's a bad name but i'd go with Chelsea

  9. I lke courtney and chelsea

  10. choose the spelling of you babys name so its easy for people to say my daughters name is shanae and she is constantly correcting school teachers who call her shane or sharnie she now spells it shannay for the dummies of this world it gets frustrating

  11. Chelsea and courtney are normal every day american names. The others are unique but its hard to choose when I don't know how you want to pronounce the names.

    But when your naming someone, think about it from their side growing up in school. Will the other kids make fun of this name, will it be hard for teachers to pronounce? Will my child have a hard time saying and spelling their name?

    Ive been going through names too and I have to think about all sides of the name before Im dead set on it.

    Hope I could help!! ♥

  12. hmmmmmm.....

    my favorite one is Courtney

    and then Chelsea

  13. I love the name Chelsea!!

    Courtney would be my second choice, but I don't like Cian or Cearian at all.

    A similar name to Chelsea, is Kelsie, another name I love :)


  14. First two are common and chavy and the second two are weird.

  15. I like them. The first two are very common but the last two are unique. I like them lol.

  16. Chelsea is a bit chavvy.

    Courtney is ok.

    Cian- not sure how to pronounce (Kee-Uhn?).

    Cearian- Kee-Arr-Ee-An?

  17. I prefer Chelsea, don't like the other names that much although I wouldn't know how to pronounce Cearian (:

  18. Not my favorites, but I prefer Courtney.

  19. Chelsea is nice

  20. I like Courtney for a girl, but don't really care for Chelsea and Cian, Cearian sounds really cool for a boy name,but not so much for a girl, is it pronounced see-ry-an?  

    so I vote for Courtney if it's a girl.

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